Flip the Switch: If Offices are Empty...Does ABM Still Matter?

Flip The Switch
April 9, 2020 1:00 AM
Can ABM work in this new world or do we need new and creative ways to hit our KPIs?

As marketers adopted account-based marketing strategies over the last couple of years, they now find themselves in a state where their audiences are not physically in accounts. The impact of COVID-19 has impacted how marketers may target and engage their audiences. It’s also forced teams to revisit their ABM strategies.

Can ABM work in this new world or do we need new and creative ways to hit our KPIs?

BrightTALK’s CMO David Pitta and Marketing Programs Manager, Roma Patel are teaming up with ITSMA’s Senior VP of Consulting, Rob Leavitt, to report on key survey results and dig into ABM, the current landscape and what we can expect in the coming months.

Join us as we explore the impact on: - Account data sources as well as account targeting - Intent data and its relevance with an increasingly remote workforce - Personalization - Inbound vs. Outbound prospecting