B2B Content Brilliance: Good Design is Good for Business

August 13, 2024 8:00 PM
Examine the importance (and challenges) of using graphic design to help successfully communicate promises of value.

In this edition of B2B Content Brilliance, TechTarget CMO John Steinert is joined by Chief Creative Officer Victoria Azarian (Cannes Lions, Effie, One Show). One look at her work and you’ll understand why it’s accelerated millions of dollars (and likely billions) in value for clients and for their customers.   Our latest strategic session in this series examines the importance (and challenges) of using graphic design to help successfully communicate promises of value. The goal is to aid marketing and business leaders like you in identifying substantive design gaps and the impediments standing between where you are and where you want to be. We look to help you better recognize these, consider them, and articulate them to other leaders towards successful implementation of business-critical improvements.