Long-term Measurement

In our last lesson of this module, we'll dig into how engagement with your webinar content translates into longterm success and won business.

In our last lesson of this module, we'll dig into how engagment with your webinar content translates into longterm success and won business. We'll kick things off with a look at several different attribution models that can help you connect your webinar programs with revenue. We'll then discuss how you can create long term engagment benchmarks that can inform your demand generation strategy. Lastly, you'll get a never-before-seen look at our own reporting template for tracking metrics across the demand waterfall.

Blueprint Generator

Just getting started with a webinar strategy? Or, are you interested in optimizing an existing program? Answer the questions below for your own customized webinar blueprint. We'll provide resources and best practices that can help you hit your goals in record time.How we develop our blueprint
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