Nothing Works Anymore: Why B2B and ABM Need a New Playbook

May 15, 2024 8:00 PM
Get the four pillars of the New B2B Go-to-Market Playbook, including practical tips you can use in your organization right away.

The marketing playbooks we’ve used for years just aren’t working anymore. Buyers don’t fill out forms. MQLs are outdated. ABM programs aren’t showing the ROI. SDRs aren’t making quota. Pipeline requirements are up but budgets are down. We can’t keep doing the same thing and expecting better results.

We need a new playbook for B2B. In this lively keynote discussion, John Steinert (TechTarget CMO), and martech guru Jon Miller, former cofounder of Marketo and founder/CEO of Engagio, will discuss the four pillars of the New B2B Go-to-Market Playbook, including practical tips you can use in your organization right away.