Analyst Insights for GTM Actions: Leveraging Market Trend Data to Out-Market Your Competition

August 7, 2023 8:00 PM
Using specific examples, we go through how to turn observations from research findings into actions you can take in your business, no matter the size of your team or maturity of your company.

As technology marketers competing for buyers’ attention in crowded and constantly changing markets, all of us need secret weapons to stay ahead. That’s what we share in each episode of our Analyst Insights for GTM Actions series. In every show, we point out approaches you can use to gain an edge in marketing and related uses cases. Using specific examples, we go through how to turn observations from research findings into actions you can take in your business, no matter the size of your team or maturity of your company.

This edition, featuring Enterprise Strategy Group’s Jon Brown, will pair analysis of recent observability and AIOps research with prescriptive, forward-looking advice on how to use this kind of insight to better position and promote your own products in the presence of accelerating market changes.

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