AI The Future of Business

Each month, the AI: the Future of Business series explores the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the world of Enterprise AI.

Each month, the AI: the Future of Business series explores the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the world of Enterprise AI and sheds light on Artificial Intelligence for the modern business.

Upcoming Episodes

Deep Learning Explained: Its Impact and Future Potential
July 30, 2024
Join Ramesh Dontha and guests in the 45th episode of AI: The Future of Business as we deep dive into deep learning, what it means for businesses, and how to leverage its full potential.
AI and Personalized Marketing: Engaging the Modern Consumer
August 27, 2024
How can AI advance and innovate your marketing campaigns? Join Ramesh Dontha and guests in our 47th episode as we deep dive into the potential of AI in marketing, and why AI should be in every marketer's tool box.
The Global Impact of AI: Differences in Adoption & Application Across Continents
September 24, 2024
AI adoption differs significantly across industries, countries and even continents. Join us in this session as Ramesh Dontha and guests deep dive into the different applications of AI on a global scale.
From Vision to Reality: AI in Augmented and Virtual Reality
October 29, 2024
In this session with Ramesh Dontha, we will explore where we are with AR and VR, the business opportunity both represent, and how to leverage these tools for the modern enterprise.
Challenges in AI Implementation: Overcoming Obstacles and Resistance
November 12, 2024
Join Ramesh Dontha and guests as we discuss the most common obstacles faced by businesses when creating and enforcing an AI strategy, and how to navigate these challenges for business success.
A Year in Review: How Did AI Change the Playing Field in 2024?
December 10, 2024
Join is in the final episode of the year as Ramesh Dontha and guests deep dive into the key trends in AI from 2024, and what to expect as we move into 2025.