The IT B2B Marketer vs. The IT Pro: Does Buyer Perception Mirror Reality?

September 26, 2022 8:00 PM
Join us as we review this new European research and then talk directly to a panel of IT Directors on their experiences of the buying process.

Perception acts as a lens through which we view reality. Our perceptions influence how we focus on, process, remember, interpret, understand, synthesize, decide about, and act on reality. In doing so, our tendency is to assume that how we perceive reality is an accurate representation of what reality truly is.

From April through July 2022, we ran our annual TechTarget Media Consumption study and asked a portion of the survey to 150 IT B2B Marketing Managers and Directors to see their perception of how IT buying teams move and research throughout the buy cycle. In this presentation, we look at the results and answer the question, "Are marketers' assumptions of the buyer behavior really a mirror of what buyers' are doing?"

Join us as we review this new European research and then talk directly to a panel of IT Directors on their experiences of the buying process.