ABM Engagement in the Age of AI

May 15, 2024 8:00 PM
In principle, ABM should work. As with all good things in business, there soon arises the question of how you’re going to scale your early success.

In principle, ABM should work. The logic seems very sound: When you purposefully invest more in a particular set of target accounts, they should reward you with more revenue. And at the high end, there’s plenty of evidence that bears this out. But, as with all good things in business, there soon arises the question of how you’re going to scale your early success. That’s where things get more complicated. That’s been a real challenge for ABM.

In this keynote session from TechTarget’s President, Rebecca Kitchens, we’ll examine questions like, “What are the real levers of pipeline performance in ABM?”, “Is it another tool that finally get you to ABM success?” And how AI will be able to help with challenges like scaling, or if it won’t, anytime soon.