WhiteHat Security

WhiteHat (acquired by Synopsys) came to BrightTALK needing to reach new audiences and increase their reach beyond those that visited their website.

"We needed a partner like BrightTALK to reach audiences that weren't coming to our website"

Savina Angel
Director, Demand Generation
WhiteHat Security

About the company

Case Study


WhiteHat came to BrightTALK needing to reach new audiences and increase their reach beyond those that visited their website. They also expressed a need to increase their awareness within the App security and IT Security space.


Through their BrightTALK Channel, WhiteHat has been able to not only engage their audiences, but court new audiences from BrightTALK and consistently add to their subscriber base. Subscriptions are an important indicator for audience interest, since not only did they view content, they expressed longer-term interest in the brand.
WhiteHat has also taken part in online Community Summits as a way to build broader in-market awareness for the brand. These online events are planned by BrightTALK’s team of dedicated community managers who deeply understand the interests of their respective communities and plan the editorial accordingly.


Through a regular cadence on their BrightTALK Channel, WhiteHat has seen a 6.3x return on their investment through revenue from BrightTALK sourced leads, and amassed a significant subscriber base on their Channel. WhiteHat utilizes the data they get on the backend of the BrightTALK platform to inform editorial strategy and identifying the content their audience wants.