Latest Talk
5 Ways to Serve Your Customers More Efficiently - Using a Customer Portal
Learn from two insider experts who will demo how a customer portal can help you serve more customers using fewer resources. In today’s digital-first world,
your customers expect to find answers to their issues online. When they can’t, they contact you directly—or they leave. Either way, this can be inefficient a…
On-demand talks

5 Ways to Serve Your Customers More Efficiently - Using a Customer Portal
Learn from two insider experts who will demo how a customer portal can help you serve more customers using fewer resources. In today’s digital-first world,
your customers expect to find answers to their issues online. When they can’t, they contact you directly—or they leave. Either way, this can be inefficient and
costly. With a modern customer portal, you can provide your customers with what they need while optimising the resources you already have. A customer…

DXP & AI: From Hype to Business Value
The interest in AI has continued to gain steam in recent years, especially since ChatGPT's launch in 2022. For many businesses, however, leveraging AI can
feel daunting. So what exactly is AI, and how can it bring you real business value? In this webinar, industry experts from Liferay Mike MacAuley and Patrick
van Blarcum talk about their AI journey and how they've seen firsthand the possible benefits for enterprises of implementing AI in the context of Digital Exp…
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