

  • Soar to New Heights in the Cloud: Tips to Accelerate and Secure

    When done right, cloud enables agility and speed, breakthrough innovation, economical business scalability, and security. Cloud providers are rapidly expanding offerings and organizations are embracing these modern approaches. Why are some organizations reaching new heights with the cloud while others face stormy weather? In this presentation, you will learn approaches and tips to accelerate and secure a cloud-first strategy and cloud-native solutions. Read More

  • The Importance of Database Monitoring on Cloud Platforms

    More and more organizations are moving vital workloads on to cloud architecture, especially their data. However, many are not ensuring that the same level of monitoring that they would perform in an on-premises environment. Performance problems on cloud infrastructures don’t simply result in slower databases, but in higher overall costs. This session will walk you through why you need to monitor your databases in the cloud. We’ll discuss some of the built-in architectures available to you using Azure and AWS as examples. We’ll also walk through additional resources from building your own monitoring solution to taking advantage of third party tooling. Moving to the cloud carries all sorts of advantages, but you need to be prepared to appropriately monitor your databases too. This session will help you get started. Read More

  • The Future of Cloud-Native Applications

    A rapid response time is critical to today’s digital business, pushing many organizations to adopt cloud-native, cloud-first approaches. Businesses must keep evolving to succeed in today’s fast-moving environment. Customers demand instant responses and businesses that can deliver are the ones gaining growth. Leveraging DevOps and instituting cloud platforms and modernized serverless strategies promote agility as well as provide a future approach for building cloud-native applications. This keynote session will share unique insights from current research on how business are adjusting to today’s customer demands and highlight the growth of agile methodologies to enable rapid application delivery. It will also explore how cloud-native technologies can provide an elastic, portable applications environment and how organizational maturity impacts heritage and cloud-native deployments. Read More

  • Intentional Revenue: Upping the Odds of Success

    Driving record-breaking revenue growth by leveraging the power of AI to identify your best customers and opportunities is an intricate process. In this webinar, Marge Breya will take you through the steps to taking the guesswork out of sales & marketing from planning to execution. Learn how to systematically profile, target, campaign, and close the right accounts. Find out how to target the right people with the right campaigns at the right time to maximize close rates and boost ROI. Explore best practices for preparing data, planning your GTM strategy, engaging campaigns, and closing deals. Read More

  • What Developer Marketing Can Teach Us About Successful ABM

    The idea of a buying team is embedded in ABM, yet many marketing and sales teams continue to focus their efforts on the “decision-maker" - often ignoring practitioner groups who are key participants in the purchase. While some might consider Developer Marketing an outlying specialty area, it can provide an important window into how ABMers can better address buying group issues that are surprisingly common across their programs. This live webinar will take a deeper look into Developer Marketing and showcase how applying its core principles can help account-based marketers find, influence and convert all constituencies at their target accounts. Tune in to gain important insight into: - Underlying differences between practitioners/enthusiasts and decision-makers - How to build and refine practitioner personas for ABM - Leveraging intent data to maximize coverage of the entire buying team - Specific strategies to engage different members of the buying team across the purchase cycle Read More

  • Successful ABM: What Developer Marketing Can Teach Us

    The idea of a buying team is embedded in ABM, yet many marketing and sales teams continue to focus their efforts on the “decision-maker" - often ignoring practitioner groups who are key participants in the purchase. While some might consider Developer Marketing an outlying specialty area, it can provide an important window into how ABMers can better address buying group issues that are surprisingly common across their programs. This live webinar will take a deeper look into Developer Marketing and showcase how applying its core principles can help account-based marketers find, influence and convert all constituencies at their target accounts. Tune in to gain important insight into: - Underlying differences between practitioners/enthusiasts and decision-makers - How to build and refine practitioner personas for ABM - Leveraging intent data to maximize coverage of the entire buying team - Specific strategies to engage different members of the buying team across the purchase cycle Read More

  • Intent Data: What Really Matters and Why?

    There’s a lot going on in your organizations right now. Every company is in some stage of a necessary digital transformation that informs changes in people, processes and technology. Everyone’s striving to become much more customer-focused and analytically driven. And sales and marketing are right in the thick of things. In parallel, there’s a revolution going on in data that’s dramatically expanding GTM teams’ focus. They’re now looking beyond what happened in the past (and what they can see going on in their own stacks) to take on a much more market-based view of what’s actually happening outside the company -- in the market and within the prospect buying centers they need to engage. This is the purchase intent data revolution. Join us to find out what it means for your teams from the opportunities, to overcoming the challenges, to building it into the stacks and processes that can work. Read More

  • Creating a Personalized Buyer’s Journey Machine that Drives Retention

    The customer journey is a unique and personal experience for everybody. Brands understand the different milestones and funnel states that drive their technology investments to engage their visitors, but automating these Journey signals cohesively across a wide and varied technology stack can be difficult if left to different budgets and multiple decision makers. Now, the technology exists to govern the Journey from beginning to end using modern, compliant Customer Data automation that will surface new Use Cases that drive revenue and reduce operational risk. In this webinar, attendees will: - Learn how to automate the Journey with Retention techniques - Dive into different behavior-based marketing activities like Retargeting and Personalization - Discuss the importance and place of metrics like Recency, Frequency, and Monetization Read More

  • The Perfect Answer for B2B Tech Marketing Intent Data: Imperfection

    This topical, conceptual discussion for strategic leaders looks at the hype and reality of intent data. Algorithmic approaches to digital marketing such as artificial intelligence (AI) and account based marketing tools imply a perfect system. In fact, the people, processes and technologies that make for successful B2B tech marketing are quite imperfect, as this discussion adeptly explores. Listen to real-world stories and divergent perspectives on leveraging intent data from a Silicon Valley-based marketing pro and her invited SaaS start-up client. Put in your headphones, get away from your screen, and move that body while you freshen up your understanding of marketing approaches that lead to better business outcomes (all while improving your cardio). Read More

  • Practical Tips for Intent Marketing

    The trick for all marketing professionals is optimizing our budget and resources to ensure that buyers with a project and budget come to us when they are ready to buy. With the emphasis on metrics, this can mean broad brush activities take precedence. Although there is inevitably trial and error involved, there are some core strategies that can be applied to finding in-market buyers. During this session, Ben will share experiences from his intent marketing journey, and describe how his sales and marketing teams work together for the best results: - Understanding and targeting different personas - Creating personalized, engaging campaigns - Hottest lead sources - Continuing the buyer journey from marketing to sales Read More