

  • Security Strategies – A Pragmatic Approach for Vulnerable World

    Advent of 5G is bringing internet technologies to the forefront and more prominence. Turbulent world events are being exploited more and more by hackers all around the world. Hacking is being weaponized and also being looked as a means for monetary gains. In this vulnerable world, how do you chalk out your course for making your platforms and managed services secure. This webcast will provide pragmatic strategies and approaches for this while minimizing your risk to minimum. Read More

  • Stay Ahead of Cyber Threats – Are you ready for the emerging threat landscape?

    Join our global panel of experts to discuss the current and emerging threat landscape. Are you ready? • Is your organisation ready to fend off ransomware or social engineering? • Do you understand common misconceptions about Cloud Security? • And, how will you stay ahead of the curve now and in the future? The cyber security threat landscape changes fast, which makes it challenging for organizations to keep on top of the latest trends. Today, barely a day goes by that there isn’t a major attack on a well-known organization somewhere in the world. We have moved from viruses and worms in the early 2000’s, to botnets and cyber weapons like Stuxnet around 2012, and now we are facing a huge rise in new threats such as next generation DDoS attacks that impact the availability and serviceability of organizations. Ransomware as a service which affects all segments in markets including FSI, Health, Education and Utility companies. Sophisticated Social Engineering attacks that take advantage of global events alongside nation-state-sponsored attacks, organized crime, hacktivists, and disgruntled insiders or angry customers. Join Yaniv Hoffman, Radware VP of Sales APJ and Ken Toh, Radware Regional Director, ASEAN region with our special group of senior panellists from around the region Mr Kempei Fukuda, the NTT Global Head of Cloud, Mr Hung Huy Khong, the Vice Chairman of Vietnam Information Security Association and Mr Greg Sawyer, the Interim CEO, The Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology as we discuss the current and emerging threat landscape. Read More

  • Protecting Critical Assets Against Ransomware Attacks

    New strains of ransomware are leaving organizations vulnerable and show no sign of slowing down, security teams lack the ability to respond proportionately to an attack, leading to cyber disruption across the organization. This can affect all industries including manufacturing, critical infrastructure, healthcare, or any organization like yours and mine. Join this session to unpack some of 2022 most advanced ransomware threats and their behavior. Also, you can learn how to deploy Agentless Zero Trust Segmentation can fix network flaws from the core for connected OT/IT/IoT and stop lateral threat movement in every stage of the Cyber Kill Chain. If you have concerns about Zero-Day ransomware exploits or are assigned with Zero Trust initiatives, don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can take autonomous action with 24/7 availability to stop the threat on its track. This presentation will discuss: • Recent ransomware threat trends, including double extortion and RDP attacks in OT and ICS • How Autonomous Response takes DEFCON action to contain an emerging zero-day attack in rea time with Zero Trust policy enforcement • Fortune 500 manufacturing and ODM subcontractor case studies on how to segment IT and OT networks with Zero Trust agentless segmentation About Airgap Networks Airgap is the only vendor that offers an agentless segmentation solution that protects your organization against ransomware threats. Airgap's "Ransomware Kill Switch" is the most potent ransomware response for the IT organization. And Airgap’s Zero Trust access controls protect enterprise’s high value assets against cyber threats. Proven and specially designed to protect Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Critical Infrastructure, Airgap Security Platform is the easiest to implement and manage. https://airgap.io Read More

  • Mastering Virtual Selling: How to Orchestrate Sales Success in a Hybrid World

    Are you a master at virtual selling? Should you be? Only 20% of B2B buyers say they want to return to in-person sales. It turns out, most of your customers prefer virtual meetings. Selling has changed. To succeed in a virtual-first world, you must adapt to a new way of working. You know you can’t just flip your meetings to Zoom. It’s going to take critical new skills to succeed. We’ll go behind the curtain to show you how to leverage technology, advance pipeline opportunities, and successfully engage more prospects in less time, at lower costs, while reducing the sales cycle. You’ll learn: - A new paradigm that is critical to virtual selling success - Critical skills for “Frontstage” and “Backstage” selling activities - Advantages of team selling and the last days of the “lone wolf” - What “good” virtual selling looks like for top sales organizations - Practical recommendations for adapting sales to a virtual environment …and much more. Read More

  • DevOps Adoption Patterns for the Enterprise

    Scaling DevOps in the enterprise is not easy. Coordinating organizational challenges surrounding people, processes and tools can slow or hinder business agility. Enterprises planning to scale Agile and DevOps teams must consider a variety of adoption patterns and options about how to do so. This webinar will share insights and demonstrate how Digital.ai solutions are enabling our customers across industries to scale up and across by implementing lean, Agile, and DevOps practices throughout the organization. We will cover implementation patterns for: Scaling to Team of Teams Building a unified and scalable DevOps Toolchain Creating an automation center of excellence Read More

  • Hindsight is good, foresight is better: The Outlook for ETFs in 2021

    With Bloomberg predicting thematic ETFs could reach $300 billion in 5 years[1], the outlook for ETFs is positive. Asset managers, banks and insurance companies are looking at ETFs as a serious strategic opportunity that will enable them to grow and meet the needs of modern investors. We’ll be joined by Hector McNeil, an ETF veteran and Co-CEO of Europe’s first white-label ETF provider, to discuss the growth of ETFs and what investors can expect to see in the near future. We will also be joined by North American asset managers from the cloud computing, healthcare innovation, online retail, digital infrastructure and medical cannabis sectors to discuss the growing adoption of ETFs and the outlook for their respective sectors. In this webinar we will explore: - The growth of ETFs in Europe - ETF liquidity - Thematic ETFs - Outlook Speakers: Hector McNeil, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of HANetf Anthony Ginsberg, Managing Director, GinsGlobal Investment Management Chris Versace, Chief Investment Officer, Tematica Research Greg Taylor, Portfolio Manager, Purpose Investments Jane Edmondson, Co-Founder & Principal, EQM Indexes Read More

  • Forget the CMDB, it Will Never Be Your Friend!

    Almost no organization has a solid CMDB underpinning their IT processes. You probably also have a CMDB that is not up to date nor equipped to do the job, despite all efforts including implementing automated inventory and discovery. The question is: should we even try to manage the CMDB in this dynamic cloud ecosystem where resources are dynamically deployed and turned off again? Is the current approach to the CMDB suitable for the new multi-vendor digital ecosystem with micro-services, containers, and cloud (e.g. IAAS, SAAS)? In this session we will discuss: - How CMDB will evolve - How to get configuration management on track - How to ensure CMDB is up-to-date - Why CMDB initiatives have failed, and how to fix this approach Read More

  • How an integrated Order to Cash platform can transform Customer relationship

    As a customer I have a need; so buying goods or services that fulfil that need, is a simple process, right? Wrong! Just as the B2C buying process dictates an inherit need for understanding, simplification and a desire for us to feel special and wanted, the B2B landscape is fast catching up. Join our webinar where Evelyne Legaux of Finance OTC Consulting & Matt Hill of Sidetrade explore how, through the adoption of technology, businesses are able to drive data-based insights and demonstrable understanding to their customer interactions, across the all-important Order to Cash cycle. Starting with the ability to minimise churn and identify new sales opportunities/maximise the wallet presence from your existing customer base; through to the impact of transformative AI technology to address buying challenges, including: Order fulfillment simplification Multi-channel Invoicing Effective customer Query management Credit and Collections success Cash Application accuracy Technology adoption can provide multiple value points in the B2B Order to Cash cycle, this session aims to provide a fresh look at technology within O2C – that being through the eyes of the end customer. Lastly, this session will also touch on the people dimension of going Digital beyond technology & process, and provide some tips for success. Read More

  • Rising Equities, rising Inflation – how should you allocate your portfolio?

    End of Covid-19 crisis is in sight, equities are up, earnings forecasts exuberant. What could possibly go wrong? Soenke examines the regional differences in the recovery, fiscal policies and monetary policies. The divergences in the world are increasing. Who are the winners, who are the losers? Should this not be reflected in market prices? He will also take a close look at the threat of inflation – in the short term as well as the long-term – and the likely reactions of central banks. Finally the implications for strategic and tactical asset allocation – how do high valuations, inflation and regional disparities during the Covid-19 crisis as well as the market recovery impact our choices? Does current market volatility yield opportunity? Read More

  • Optimize Your Third-Party Risk Management Program

    Third Party Risk is a top concern for organizations as external partnerships and technologies become more complex, and cybercriminals become more sophisticated in attacks that exploit the supply chain. Deloitte’s Third-party Risk Management (TPRM) 2021 global survey found that “investments in risk intelligence is a key priority for respondents.” The report further described that evolving TPRM programs "...requires an integrated and technology-enabled platform that coordinates activities across an organization and provides a single, up-to-date picture, rather than inconsistent and out-of-date data from various sources.” Similarly, in Forresters’s 2022 Predictions** they predict “Sixty percent of security incidents will result from issues with third parties. Forrester data reveals that 55% of security pros reported their organization experienced an incident or breach involving supply chain or third-party providers in the past 12 months.” The need for an efficient and effective Third-Party Risk Management solution is clear. This 30-minute webinar will discuss FortifyData’s approach to Third-Party Risk Management and how it can help your organization reduce the cyber risks associated with your third-party vendors, and we will discuss how you can get a more accurate view of their risk exposure. Attendees will learn: • Best practices for evaluating your third-parties • How to incorporate more actionable assessment-based risk and vulnerability information to supplement questionnaire-based information • How to automate and scale third-party risk management • How FortifyData can optimize your third-party risk management program **Predictions 2022: Cybersecurity, Risk and Privacy, Forrester Research, Inc., Oct 28, 2021 *Gaining Ground: A Digital Path to Third-Party Oversight, Deloitte, 2021 https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/global/Documents/Risk/gx-global-tprm-survey-report-2021.pdf Read More