

  • Business Transformation Through Insights-Driven Automation

    The extraction of actionable information from data is a key enabler for optimizing workflows, automating processes, and providing meaningful insights to decision makers. But we live in an unstructured world, and unstructured sources of data can be particularly difficult to parse. In this session, we will share the latest developments in the field, including the modern tools and machine learning techniques employed by insight engines to intelligently extract information from unstructured data. We’ll also address the following questions: * What are the challenges we face in processing unstructured data sources? * Which tools are available to extract insights from this data? * How can we use extracted insights to automate processes and workflows? We will close the session by providing a real-world example of process automation employed to assist with bid management. Read More

  • Data-Driven Marketing with a Human Touch

    Today, B2B marketers have access to data that they could have only dreamed of a generation ago. Powered by technology, automation is allowing marketing teams to simplify and scale like never before. That said, we’re in danger of over-automating and losing the human touch. Let us remember that purchasing decisions are made by engaging the mind (left brain - IQ) as much as emotions (right brain - EQ). - What does the data tell us about what our audience is thinking? - How can we utilize data to assist the way we craft inspiring stories and create compelling content formats that truly speak to our buyers? - How is it even possible to make authentic connections while you’re automating for scale? Join Olivia Dassler, Director of Marketing Programs, and Alex Stern, Marketing Programs Manager at BrightTALK as they share proven strategies for how to embrace the human touch with data-driven marketing. Read More

  • Engaging With Increasingly Larger and Fragmented Buying Centers

    Why the real challenge is not the selling, but the buying. And what marketing can do. -Traditional B2B technology marketing makes it harder to sell and buy. -Best-in-class organizations acknowledge the shift to digital in their GoToMarket. -In the future, suppliers will face a desire for a “Rep-free” buying process. -Why Sales and Marketing integration is more important than ever. -How content must change to meet shifting buying center needs. About the Presenter: Over the past 30 years, Winfried witnessed the computer, wireless, internet and now cloud/SaaS industries transform through new technology and business models. Constantly questioning yourself and adaptation based on learning is what he is attempting to instill in all teams he leads. Having worked in sales, consulting and marketing as a subject matter expert and in leadership roles, he acquired a broad understanding of customer interactions in B2B high technology selling and marketing. His engineering degree laid the foundation for an affinity to facts and data, while his education in lean transformation in one of the world´s best continuous improvement organizations, Danaher, shaped his systemic thinking and problem-solving skills. Winfried´s life-long interest in psychology and sociology informs current marketing campaigns and shaped his approach to buying center interactions, which, in today´s world of committee buying, is more relevant than ever. Read More

  • Like Tetris™ for B2B, How to Win in the Building Demand Game

    The fundamental building blocks behind a great demand generation strategy require the complex interweaving of great planning, forward thinking, and quick adaptation. Like Tetris, how you stack your moves within the game timeframe determines your sales engagements and future ROI. Plus, having the ability quickly react when you get a block that isn't going to fit! In this webinar, we take a look at how to build a game plan for B2B ROI success within your demand generation strategy. Join panel experts Artur Trapizonyan, EMEA AI, HPC & Compute Programs Manager at Dell Technologies; Claudia Freudenberg, CMO at Neptune Software, Byrony Seifert, VP of Marketing and Product Delivery of EMEA at TechTarget, and Juozas Statnickas, Senior Customer Success Manager at TechTarget as we review our top tips for building your demand model, including how to be forward thinking in your lead generation planning. Read More

  • Keys to building a successful business intelligence team

    Organizations looking to maximize business intelligence (BI) use may consider constructing a business intelligence team consisting of four key roles -- the expert, designer, analyst and steward. In this session, we'll detail these four important roles -- how to hire them, how to inspire them and how to manage their work. Attendees will learn: • How to integrate existing informal skills and practices into a new practice. • The steps to build BI team from scratch. • Inspiring and retaining key roles • Pitfalls -- personal and technical -- to watch for . • Expanding new capabilities such as data science and AI Read More

  • Business Intelligence? Not so much….yet.

    BI Salesman: Business Intelligence! Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Business intelligence is mostly a misnomer. It is more accurately defined as the automated analytics of internal metrics that determine the current state of the business. In neurological terms, it is referred to as "Interoception" or the ‘conscious or unconscious sense of the internal state of the body. While business intelligence is certainly important, it is not machine intelligence. So the distinction is important. The future of business intelligence is outward-looking, capturing data and information about the business ecosystem -- consisting of markets, supply chains, competitors, customers, regulation, laws, and Russian dictators -- and inferring the strategic and tactical actions available to best achieve the corporate mission. Today’s business intelligence failed the artificial intelligence test considering supply chain disruptions and war in Europe. Tomorrow’s business intelligence can and will get much better. Tune into this webinar to find out more. Read More

  • Democratizing AI

    AI and computer vision has come a long way to that of being mainstream , whether it applies to managing infrastructure or delivering an outcome in a vertical. A lot of this is about processing data intelligently – and having to take actions that might impact infra, revenue and others. AI has a unique connect with the business decisions makers- as much as its to do with the IT teams. Read More

  • The Perfect Marriage: BI and CDPs Create a Data Center of Excellence

    Business Intelligence as a practice has rapidly evolved since the pandemic - the expectations in 2022 are that Analytics are not only accessible, but also actionable in real time. Data Automation capabilities in Customer Data Platform solutions closely align with BI organizations, both disciplines share common goals and benefits, and, if integrated correctly, can lead to new Revenue streams that add 5-15% to ROAS due to Personalized Customer Experiences. Setting them up as a Data Center of Excellence enables the CDP to produce significant operational ROI due to real time automation and uniform process governance. Join this session to learn: • What a Data Center of Excellence (DCoE) is • How incorporating BI and a CDP into your DCoE can increase revenue and operational excellence • Business practices and topics in scope for optimization by a DCoE Read More

  • Make Data Accessible and Actionable, Today and Tomorrow

    The ability to turn raw data into business intelligence is a key strategic advantage for organizations in the information age. According to research from ESG, 78% of businesses plan to increase spending on BI platforms in 2022 in order to improve operational efficiency, forecasting accuracy, and quality of products and services. This involves a clear understanding of emerging BI platforms and tools and how to use them to increase data extraction and automation, implement privacy and security mechanisms, and generate results that are easy for users to grasp. This panel of experts will discuss how to effectively integrate BI initiatives across the organization while maintaining data security and integrity, providing valuable insight that leads to a future of better decision making and optimized business processes. Join us to learn about: --New types of BI platforms, tools, and integrated systems --Pros and cons of cloud-based BI --Automating data integration to streamline processes --Advances in intelligent data extraction --Emerging best practices to holistically ensure data security Read More

  • The Role of ONNX in Accelerating Enterprise AI Adoption

    Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open format built to represent machine learning models. It defines the building blocks of machine learning and deep learning models and a common file format to enable AI developers to use models with various frameworks, tools, runtimes, and compilers. This session demystifies ONNX and highlights its role in accelerating AI adoption among enterprises. Read More