

  • The Application Attack Threat Landscape – After Log4J

    Modern web applications have become complex, heavily reliant on APIs for virtually every online interaction. This complexity brings with it the potential for new entry points for hackers and unfortunately more overhead for the business to manage and track. Akamai’s Director of Security Technology and Strategy, Sean Flynn, takes us behind the scenes of how attackers look for new vulnerabilities and used obfuscation to prolong Log4J zero-day attacks. In this webinar, you will also learn about: - A new reflection/amplification distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) vector with a record-breaking potential amplification ratio of 4,294,967,296:1 - Why do attackers focus more on APIs than traditional applications - What companies can do to stay ahead of future threats Read More

  • HR Automation: Moving from Tedious to Transformative

    HR teams on the non-stop quest for more time for value-add activities like talent acquisition, strategic planning and improving the employee experience can reap both time and cost savings with automation. There are game-changing opportunities available across HR functions when HR teams focus on both efficiency and systems optimization. In this session we’ll discuss: - The benefits of HR automation and how to plan for it. - Key HR functions where automation can immediately save time and money. - Why technology creates an enhanced people-centric experience (really!). Read More

  • How to Optimize Employee Experience Using Data-Driven Insights

    As companies look to address the pandemic-fueled issues leading to the “Great Resignation” trend, adoption of applications that measure, analyze, and deliver data-based guidance for an individual or in aggregate are growing increasingly popular. Metrigy VP of Research and Principal Analyst Beth Schultz will provide a high-level overview of the employee experience market, explain where insight tools fit into the overall strategy for optimizing the employee experience, and share adoption trends gleaned from a study of HR and other corporate leaders working on employee experience programs. Read More

  • Fighting Cybercrime in 2022: All for one and one for all

    Cybercriminals have an arsenal of tactics at their disposal - phishing, malware, social engineering, email fraud, identity theft (EAC), and ransomware. Successful attacks only need one tactic to work, but companies have to protect against all of them. The number one attack vector is still email and the number one target is still people. In 2021, attacks became more sophisticated and volume increased by ~20%. Email-based attacks were more successful with 83% of companies falling victim to successful phishing attacks (up from 57% the year before). In this session, Mike Bailey will: • Explore recent trends in the threat landscape • Discuss best practices of a people-centric security strategy including technology, processes, and people • Show how a layered, integrated approach can yield success Read More

  • Preventing Database Breaches with Application-Layer Encryption

    Data breaches are more prolific than ever, with 2021 seeing 5250 confirmed instances involving large companies such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Ubiquiti. Such breaches are not only a privacy concern, but are also very costly to the involved organization, incurring a loss of $4.24 million on average. The good news, however, is that in breaches where strong Zero Trust principles were employed this cost decreased by $1.76 million. In this talk we show how Application-Layer Encryption (ALE) can be applied at the database level to provide strong protections against breaches. While traditional at rest database encryption helps protect your data in case of a direct breach, database ALE can ensure cryptographically that even authorized applications have minimal access. This means, that even if your data producing application contains a vulnerability, compromising this application won't give the attacker access to your data. Through the use of modern cryptographic techniques, database ALE can even be implemented without fully sacrificing useful capabilities of the database, such as search. About our presenter: Philip has a background in mathematical engineering but has always had a strong interest in computer science, a combination which eventually resulted in a PhD in symmetric cryptography. Today he has the technical responsibility for the development of CYBERCRYPT's Encryptonize product. Read More

  • Redefining Cyber Intelligence: The Shift from Threat to Risk

    When attackers see a way in, they take it. If you want to stay ahead of attackers, it's time to make the shift from a focus on threat intelligence to risk intelligence. Today’s security leaders are squeezed between increased risks and attacks, expanding attack surfaces, and decreasing resources, which has them streamlining defense strategies and investments towards what matters most and what exposures are critical. Join us for a lively discussion on the current security leadership shift of focus from threat intelligence to risk intelligence. Security leaders will share their journey to the sweet spot: that balance between visibility, priority and value that helps focus their security practices towards confident protection (vs whack-a-mole). Areas covered will include: -> Balancing protections inside and outside the network -> Various ways of prioritizing risk and what doesn’t work -> Mapping potential paths into and out of your network -> Merging attack surface management, vulnerability and threat information to identify real risk Read More

  • Trends in Cyber Threats and and Top Countermeasures

    Cyber threats continue to increase and are impacting almost all aspects of modern life. Ransomware, malicious domains, espionage and digital disruption are the most common attacks of recent times. Understanding how these vulnerabilities and their exploits are changing, provides helpful insights into combatting new threats. Cyber threats change over time, as do the countermeasures that best protect against them like: • Ransomware • DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) • State-sponsored cyber actors • Social engineering and phishing threats -- increase in sophistication • Data exportation, breaches and insider threat Key takeaways: • Leverage best practices and frameworks such as NIST & ISO 27001 to manage the threat landscape. • Prompt innovation can help protect against cyber threats. • Build cyber threats awareness and training culture to test it regularly. • Consider the source and validity of information when making decisions. Read More

  • Trends in Cyber Threats and Top Countermeasures

    Cyber threats continue to increase and are impacting almost all aspects of modern life. Ransomware, malicious domains, espionage and digital disruption are the most common attacks of recent times. Understanding how these vulnerabilities and their exploits are changing, provides helpful insights into combatting new threats. Cyber threats change over time, as do the countermeasures that best protect against them like: • Ransomware • DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) • State-sponsored cyber actors • Social engineering and phishing threats -- increase in sophistication • Data exportation, breaches and insider threat Key takeaways: • Leverage best practices and frameworks such as NIST & ISO 27001 to manage the threat landscape. • Prompt innovation can help protect against cyber threats. • Build cyber threats awareness and training culture to test it regularly. • Consider the source and validity of information when making decisions. Read More

  • What are the 3 main stages of Zero Trust and why does it matters to you?

    Alignment is the key to a future-proof cloud strategy that can adapt to shifting business needs in any organisation. InfoSec leaders and CIOs play an important role in guiding all parties toward alignment on the project phases, expectations and outcome. In this session we’ll walk through: - a brief history of zero trust and the 3 main stages - the unique approach offered by the Zero Trust Exchange, and why a comprehensive zero trust architecture matters The presenter: Lee Dolsen is the Chief Architect for Zscaler’s Asia Pacific business, based out of Singapore. He has over 20 years’ experience in the IT industry focusing on various aspects of Internet Security and Content Delivery. Lee has been living and working inAsia for the past 14 years. He joined Zscaler in 2012. Read More

  • Threat Prevention Anchored by Strong Security Hygiene and Posture Management

    With any cyber-threat prevention strategy, organizations must know the assets connected to their networks, whether these assets are vulnerable to exploitation, and which vulnerable assets should be prioritized for remediation actions. These activities are known collectively as security hygiene and posture management. Unfortunately, organizations often manage these fundamental security best practices haphazardly, opening them up to cyber threats or the ever expanding attack surface. In this keynote presentation, ESG Senior Principal Analyst and Fellow, Jon Oltsik, will share new research and discuss the challenges around security hygiene and posture management to explore what companies can do to both address these challenges and establish best practices. Read More