

  • Get Backup & Running: Ransomware Protection & Recovery in AWS

    Preventative measures are top-of-mind when it comes to protecting your organization from ransomware attacks, but the reality is that even the best efforts can sometimes be thwarted. Often, organizations learn that despite their best efforts, they have been hit by a ransomware attack. How can you plan for this possibility and what do you do if it happens? Join Nic Hernandez, Systems Engineer at Clumio, as he discusses important topics in ransomware protection: ● Why choose a cloud-native data protection solution for mission-critical data in AWS ● Best practices for ransomware recovery ● The importance of RTO in business continuity ● How to optimize your backup plan to reduce cost ● Importance of cross account/region recovery in the event of a disaster Read More

  • Don’t Become the Next Cautionary Tale: Top Breach Prevention Strategies

    Businesses are now spending $170.4 billion on information security annually, according to research from Gartner. Despite this huge investment, IBM's annual security report found that the average cost due to a data breach rose from $3.86 million in 2020 to $4.24 million in 2021, the highest in 17 years. Headlines call out the latest victims, including some of the world's biggest corporations. But how can businesses protect themselves when employees are scattered, data is exploding, and devices are proliferating? In this expert panel, cybersecurity experts will discuss best practices for proactively protecting your organization from the most common threats, and what to do when a breach does occur. Join us to explore: -- Preventing breaches from external and internal threats -- Tools and techniques for detection and response -- How the speed of response to a breach can minimize its effects -- Adapting breach protection to hybrid work models -- How modern architectures such as IoT and edge affect a breach prevention strategy Panelists include: Jeroen Hekelaar, Manager, Solutions Engineering EMEA, SonicWall Carl Leonard, Cybersecurity Strategist, Proofpoint Sources: https://www.proofpoint.com/uk/resources/threat-reports/state-of-phish https://www.proofpoint.com/uk/resources/e-books/legacy-dlp-crumbles-in-the-cloud https://www.proofpoint.com/uk/resources/threat-reports/state-of-phish https://www.proofpoint.com/us/resources/analyst-reports/gartner-market-guide-insider-risk-management https://www.sonicwall.com/2022-cyber-threat-report/ https://www.proofpoint.com/uk/resources/white-papers/voice-of-the-ciso-report Read More

  • Planning Your Application Ecosystem Landscape to Withstand Multi-Layered Attack

    This talk will detail how to plan your application ecosystem landscape to withstand multi-layered attack. Key Takeaways: • Understand which tools are better aligned with your stack. • Apply best practice to develop active simulation exercise. • Review of disaster recovery as monthly initiatives. • Align your business continuity to critical assets. Read More

  • The Art of Breach Detection

    Hackers will never stop their attack attempts, and organizations must be aware they could be breached any second! So tune into this presentation to discover: • How to best prepare against those attacks? • What tools to leverage? • How can your security team detect even the latest, more sophisticated foes and, most importantly, how can you respond to their attacks? Join Dr. Erdal, corporate CISO and president of the Global CISO Forum, to learn how you can master your breach detection learning from real-life examples. Read More

  • The Next-Gen SOC: Optimizing to Make the Most of Limited Resources

    Today's security operations centers (SOCs) are inundated with an endless stream of alerts, vulnerabilities, and threat intelligence. But the reality is that no matter how large or well-resourced a security operations team, there will always be more work to do. So the next-gen SOC must be calibrated to work smarter, not harder. In this webinar you will learn: • What are the main inefficiencies in SOC operations. • How to use technology to address the inefficiencies. • How to use people and processes to address the inefficiencies. Read More

  • Tech & Hiring: Promoting Culture in Positive Candidate Experiences

    Join us as we participate in BrightTalk's HR Tech Summit! We will be tackling all aspects of positive candidate experiences and how those experiences shape company culture. Does a potential employee’s candidate experience shape company culture? Does it improve team retention? Does your recruitment process directly reflect your company’s mission statement and pillars of values? Join us as the Wisetail team examines how the recruitment process directly reflects company mission statements and pillars of values, which all correlate to positive candidate experiences. Read More

  • Understanding Your Attack Surface Through Vulnerability Disclosure

    Having a vulnerability disclosure policy (VDP) helps improve network defenses and enhance mission assurance, helping you launch faster with less risk while safeguarding sensitive data Get the expert playbook on VDPs from the DoD, Keurig Dr Pepper, and HackerOne. In less than an hour, you’ll learn how to create a VDP that expands your vulnerability awareness, builds compliance into your processes, and moves you to a higher level of security. Read More

  • How AI is Powering the Future of Recruitment

    The modern talent professional has a lot to keep up with: the state of the job market, candidate engagement, endless screening calls, individual job postings, portals, and reports just to make hiring happen. It’s a sprint to a finish line that never seems to appear. So, what can we do about it? The answer is simple: Artificial Intelligence. According to Aptitude Research, around 60% of companies are investing or looking to invest in AI solutions to end the chaos of modern hiring. Join Sumit Gupta, Chief Technology Officer – U.S. Innovation Lab at PandoLogic, as he looks at the current state of AI in Talent Acquisition and where it's heading. In this session, he’ll discuss how AI: • Streamlines the way talent teams approach recruitment. • Allows companies to scale hiring needs. • Keeps candidates engaged throughout the process. Read More

  • Create secure applications at the speed of DevOps

    To create secure applications at the speed of DevOps, teams embrace the shift left mantra. But inserting security into app development can appear as a speed bump and even as an obstacle to continuous deployment. If 2021 proved anything it is that securing your applications still has to be priority. But it doesn’t have to be drag. By adopting a DevSecOps mindset and embedding security into the product lifecycle, teams can be fast and secure. Please join guest speaker Janet Worthington, Forrester Senior Analyst, and Daniel Shugrue, Digital.ai Sr. Product Marketing Manager, to hear the latest on where organizations are in the shift left transformation, the state of application security, and where teams can dig in to further their DevSecOps efforts. Read More

  • Key Findings from 2022 Data Threat Report – Global Edition

    As the pandemic continues to affect both business and personal lives, expectations of a ‘return’ to pre-pandemic conditions have faded from most plans. Underlying trends that have always driven information security, such as new technologies, greater compliance mandates and more severe security incidents, continue to be significant change agents. The 2022 Thales Data Threat Report, based on data from a survey of almost 2,800 respondents from 17 countries across the globe conducted by 451 Research, part of S&P Global Market Intelligence, reviews and analyzes these trends and changes. Many organizations continue to be unprepared for the security challenges of diverse threats, ransomware, accelerating cloud transformation and hybrid work. In fact, according to the report’s survey 21% of all respondents said they had experienced a ransomware attack. Furthermore, 22% of respondents worldwide said they have paid or would pay a ransom for their data. This webinar will review the changing landscape of data security risks and threats. Specifically, you can expect to learn about: • Leading sources of data threats • Ransomware preparedness and how it has changed breach economics • Breaches and their impacts weigh on security planning • Data sprawl’s impact on data security • Cloud usage trends and security practices in the cloud • Threats of remote and hybrid workforces • Future threats such as quantum computing Read More