

  • The Evolution of Prevention-First Cybersecurity

    Organisations have never been more connected or vulnerable. Threats evolve at rapid pace and cybersecurity has failed to keep up. Proactive and preventive cybersecurity measures have previously been little more than an aspiration. No more! Machine learning and artificial intelligence allows us to stop cyberthreats in their tracks. Join Jonathan Jackson – Director Sales Engineering, from the BlackBerry Cybersecurity team in APAC to learn: - The current cybersecurity trends - What’s changed? - How you can apply prevention-first security to your own organisation to combat cyber threats. It’s time to outsmart and outlast modern cyber threats. Read More

  • Outwit Attackers with a Proactive Cybersecurity Plan

    Organizations face a constant barrage of cyber threats that could lead to business disruption, intellectual property theft, and reputation damage. But preventing such attacks has become increasingly challenging due to business factors like supporting the remote worker population, connecting IT to third-party partners, and developing new types of applications for digital transformation. How can CISOs balance the need for aggressive IT initiatives for business enablement while managing and mitigating cyber risk? ESG Senior Principal Analyst and Fellow, Jon Oltsik, will discuss best practices for cyber-threat and breach prevention that can protect and support the business. Read More

  • Speed Matters: Strategies to Accelerate Security Velocity

    In the IT world, the word “tool” and “platform” are sometimes used interchangeably, but they mean different things. And in cybersecurity, while it may be impossible to eliminate risks completely, using a platform approach rather than multiple point solutions can offer organizations reduced risk, improved cybersecurity, and better resilience.   This discussion will explore how taking the platform approach to cyber resilience can benefit your organization. Discover how:    * The proliferation of point solutions creates additional vulnerabilities across the IT estate * Point solutions can contribute significantly to an organization’s technical debt * A platform approach can provide convergence of real-time decision making, management, and remediation across IT, compliance, security, and risk using a single pane of glass for one shared source of truth, a unified set of controls, and a common taxonomy that brings together siloed teams from across an organization * And more Read More

  • Modern Applications Require Modern Application Security

    Application security is one of the most important components of an overall security program, yet some organizations struggle to identify and address their application security risks partly because they are not using the right tools to get the job done. The good news is it does not have to be that way. In this conversation, you will learn why traditional tools do not cut it when it comes to application security and why modern applications need modern application security. You will walk away with expert insights on: * Traditional applications vs. modern applications * The evolution of application security * The emergence of the last stage of this evolution - software supply chain security * The challenges of security scanners with modern software * The future of security scanners Read More

  • Making Software “Just Work” on IoT Devices!

    * This presentation focuses on the Arm SystemReady ES and IR program that makes software “just work” on IoT devices * It describes the hardware and firmware specifications and recipes suitable for the IoT devices * It also presents the test suites and compliance certification requirements and processes * It will also provide the ecosystem status and information on how to participate Read More

  • How to Automate IT Processes for a Streamlined Service Desk

    Modern service desks go beyond service management.   Providing streamlined service delivery means proactively establishing solutions and empowering users to solve their own problems through self-service and process automation. Integrating self-service technology and service management software with automated processes takes your service desk to the next level! The evolution from self-help to self-healing is growing in popularity, but are you ready to streamline your service?  Find out more in this discussion hosted by EasyVista’s Rich Martindale! We'll discuss:   - Process automation techniques   - The role of self-service technology  - Self-healing’s role in process automation for shift-left initiatives Read More

  • The Role the Edge Plays in delivering on Digital Transformation Goals

    In this session you will learn about some of the unspoken challenges of deploying at the Edge. Many times we focus on a Proof of Value, and we overlook realities of deploying and supporting our solutions at the Edge. Stratus will address considerations and solutions to make sure that your Edge deployments deliver on their promises of value where they matter most, at the Edge. Read More

  • Clean Code: Software Done Right

    Software has become the heartbeat of all organizations. It is the IP of businesses today, but building software today is complex and organizations face many challenges as a result. In this conversation, Melinda Marks, principal analyst at ESG and Olivier Gaudin, CEO of SonarSource explore how developers can use Clean Code to deliver more value to the organization. This Fireside Chat will dig into: * Core problems developers are experiencing today * Using Clean Code to help solve key challenges * Best practices for organizations building their software pipeline * And much more Read More

  • How to Implement an AI Service Desk for Enterprise IT

    With the consumerization of enterprise IT, employees are expecting the same level of service excellence from IT service management (ITSM) solutions. Users expect enterprise services to be delivered instantly, in the device and channel of their preference, with a high degree of personalization and without having to talk to someone. Leading enterprises are now transforming toward ITSM+ by embracing cognitive AI, Robotic Process Automation and Conversational Experience, which promise to boost productivity while using fewer resources, achieving greater cost savings and delivering an engaging customer experience for enhanced satisfaction. In this talk, we will start by drawing the Service Desk Journey, from Help Desk to Today's Segregated Service Desk, highlighting business and operational challenges affecting Employees, Customers and Service Desk Service Agents. We will then introduce the new paradigm shift of ITSM+, and present in great details the a novel five-layer reference architecture. We will walk the audience through each of the comprising layers and conclude with how to get started in this disruptive digital transformation. Read More