

  • Oops! Your Developer’s Laptop Is Connected to Your Cloud… What Now?

    Advanced Techniques and Common Pitfalls in Scaling Cloud Security The specific challenges of securing an expansive multi-cloud or hybrid environment go far beyond the cloud-provider baselines and compliance best practices. Decision makers are moving beyond the legacy tool portfolio standards to address the need for a new approach to people, process, and technology strategy. In this fireside chat, we’ll outline and then dive into the most salient and unique challenges for mature cloud sec teams, including a lack of visibility, the ephemeral nature of the cloud, and inflexible processes. Then we’ll discuss a few new approaches to address these challenges in your strategy immediately. Key elements of securing cloud environments (IaaS/PaaS and SaaS) across the major public cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure) and share critical insights on how modern defenders should be approaching the most salient challenges of cloud security, including: - Why cloud threats look different and how to model them - Addressing and eliminating the dreaded data silo - Operationalizing a “visibility first” strategy for security decision making The ephemeral nature of misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in the cloud and how to manage them Join Uptycs’ Director of Cloud Security and former AWS Head of ATO, Andre Rall with Director of Product Management and former Former RSA Product Executive and Security Expert Sudarsan Kannan for an in-depth chat. This will be a useful session for anyone building a cloud-native security program to support and enhance their organization’s growth and innovation. Read More

  • From concepts to conversations: How to create relatable visual content

    When it comes to creating visuals, marketers in every business face a common problem. How do you take a great idea and turn it into a relatable piece of content? In this webinar, we’ll explore creative and efficient ways to take inspiring ideas and execute them with efficacy. Drawing from our corporate design expertise, and those of our clients, we’ll provide tips to ensure you can get from concept to content that drives meaningful conversations - at scale! Join Laura McLeod, Marketing and Brand Strategist at 99designs Studio, to understand how taking a broader approach to ideation has been the key to successful content execution for many successful brands and should be the key to yours. In this webinar you’ll learn how to: - Boost your content ideation by brainstorming with the world - Breakdown complex ideas with design - Structure a relatable creative brief that delivers relatable visual content About the presenter: Laura McLeod is passionate about creativity. As Marketing & Brand Strategist at 99designs Studio, Laura combines her global creative agency experience with her extensive knowledge of delivering creative campaigns at 99designs. Laura’s focus is to support 99designs’ partners and corporate clients, such as Squarespace, Nivea and Univision, to activate creative visual content and experiences that deliver value for their audiences. Read More

  • Application Security Trends and Best Practices

    Web apps and APIs present a major risk for organizations of all sizes, according to the Verizon DBIR about two of every five breaches originate in a web app – and the problem is only growing. In most organizations, innovation pressures still outweigh security priorities. So what can AppSec professionals do in order to reduce their web attack surface? In this presentation, Invicti Security Chief Product Officer Sonali Shah dives into the top five AppSec risks that every organization should be aware of and provides best practices for securing cloud-based web apps and APIs. Read More

  • How to protect your data using Application Layer Encryption

    95 percent of data breaches are cause by human errors, and with an average cost of a data breach globally being $3.92 million, it is not only a privacy concern but also very costly of an organization. More 50 percent of companies say that their IT departments are not sophisticated enough to handled advanced cyberattacks, but it doesn't have to be hard to probably secure your data. In this talk we will show how Application-Layer encryption (ALE) can be applied easily to your data with a minimal amount of code changes, and ensure even authorized applications only have minimal access to the data using cryptographic principles and a role-based access control model. This means, that if you data is leaked, the attacked won't have access to your data. All this can be implemented without fully sacrificing the advantages of a database, such as filtering. Bio of the presenter: Kim has been working with computer science for 12 years, and has worked in the cyber security, telecommunications and finance industry. Today he is a cloud tech lead in CYBERCRYPT. Read More

  • A Venture Capital perspective of digital transformation in Financial Services

    In the last months the fintech landscape has significantly changed and as a consequence, the Venture Capital investment approach to the sector. Fintech still accounts for a significant share of venture funding globally but new themes are emerging and they require deeper knowledge and understanding. We will discuss old and new investment thesis both from a VC and strategic players point of view. Read More

  • How to Have Powerful Conversations that Influence Others

    Getting a customer’s attention and their buy-in to your solution is critical to your success. Yet most salespeople are doing things in the conversation that is taking from that objective. As leaders, salespeople need to create an environment that is safe for their customers and one that motivates them to participate in the RIGHT conversation. Doing this correctly will help you increase your closing ratio and identify new opportunities. In this interactive webinar, Ron Karr will provide simple strategies and tactics on how you can get your customer’s attention and buy-in. He will model it for you and explain why it works based on the latest neuroscience findings. You will be amazed at how simple it really is. Key Takeaways: * Leverage the psychology of influence * Remove barriers and build questioning skills that help you start a conversation and engage in ways that help you learn more from others * Position your products and services more powerfully * Discover the counterintuitive engagement strategy of leading with Outcomes vs. Products/Services * Why Velocity Mindset™ is critical to the survival of your business * How to achieve bigger results Ron Karr, Sales Strategist, Global Keynote Speaker and Creator of the Velocity Mindset™ Read More

  • Protecting Web Applications in a Multi-Cloud World

    As more organizations adopt multi-cloud strategies, security managers are increasingly challenged by how to protect web applications spread across multiple environments, while preserving consistency, quality of security and centralized visibility. The traditional approach to web application security no longer works in a multi-cloud world, and a new approach is needed. Join us to discuss the new challenges of multi-cloud security and how to overcome them. In this discussion you will learn: • What are the security challenges of the multi-cloud • Why traditional approaches and tools no longer work • What are the requirements for multi-cloud security solutions • How Radware helps organizations protect their web application in a multi-cloud world Read More

  • Define Application Security Accurately To Generate Business Success

    There was a time when applications were hosted on a traditional computing model. All hardware and software resided in-house. Companies maintained physical servers on-premises in a secure climate-controlled room with a secure level of access. Only Network Engineers were allowed access to application security as it mainly revolved around the network (port, FW) and OS level protection with security-level access to server rooms. But times have changed. Companies now have more to gain with a more layered approach to application security. Tune into this presentation to hear TD Bank's Application Release Engineer Pankul Chitrav discuss the challenges faced by businesses still using the traditional model and how we can overcome these challenges by implementing a layered security model. Read More

  • The Art of Cloud Governance: Essential for Modern Businesses

    Within many enterprises that are expanding their network and accelerating adoption of the cloud, building a Cloud Security Governance model can be tricky. Finding and establishing a path of support and collaboration between development and application teams, risk and compliance groups, and Cloud Security practitioners should be a key objective to an effective Cloud Governance program. In this live talk, you’ll learn how to drive operational processes and procedures by adopting a governance framework to take control of your cloud environment and its data. A few topics we’ll cover: • Factors to consider when designing a governance model for security in the cloud • Strategy and methods for aligning people, processes and workflows among disparate teams to achieve a unified governance framework • The impact of cloud governance across multi-cloud environments Read More

  • Agentless CNAPP: A New Approach to Multi-Cloud Security

    Using multiple cloud providers allows organizations to reduce cost, increase resiliency and optimize services. However, multi-cloud strategies significantly increase complexity for security teams tasked with applying consistent controls and policies across all cloud environments. As cloud usage increases and becomes more ephemeral, agent-based security across multiple clouds becomes unmanageable. In addition, increased security tool sprawl, with often multiple cloud provider tools for each platform, as well as separate point solutions for specific cloud security areas, further increases complexity. This leads to hundreds of (often duplicate) alerts every day, causing security teams to become desensitized and ultimately, miss critical alerts. In this webinar, Deborah Galea discusses how an agentless Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) can significantly alleviate many security challenges in multi-cloud environments. In this session you will learn: - What are the security challenges in multi-cloud environments? - What is a CNAPP? - How does a CNAPP reduce cloud security tool sprawl? - How do you get full multi-cloud visibility with agentless cloud security? - How does an agentless CNAPP increase an organization’s agility? - How can a CNAPP prevent application security issues in pre-production? Read More