

  • Analysts vs. Machines: AI/ML for cloud-scale data

    Why do customers churn? Why is revenue down? What are my top channels to acquire new customers? Why is my business losing more orders in rural areas? The answer is in your data. As we move forward in modernizing the traditional data stack, companies are collecting more and more data. Getting through all the data is a growing challenge. Operationalized ML powered analytics can make analysts more efficient and eliminate rote data science work. Data teams need the ability to rapidly process cloud-scale data, separating signal from noise with pre-built and operationalized AI/ML tools. Join this webinar to learn the basics of how to: -Rapidly sift through data (in seconds) -Determine key drivers of metric change -Leverage artificial intelligence and machine learning in your data stack Read More

  • Making the Transition from Legacy Systems to Modern Analytics Platforms

    For over 40 plus years, organizations around the world have used the language of SAS to build assets such as revenue forecast models, customer retention models, analyze risk at an enterprise leveland perform compound discovery. As analytical technology has continued to evolve and develop, organizations are increasingly seeking to include modern programing languages such as Python and R into their model building and to understand how they can gain value from and utilize the speed and agility of The Cloud. Today, organizations have choices with respect to the language of SAS deployment models.Join us for this 30-minute webinar where we will be discussing: •What a transition away from legacy systems looks like and the benefits it can offer in terms of resource elasticity and scaling up the numbers of models produced compared to traditional models. •How you can easily include modern programming languages into your models for swift deployment, removing frustrating devops blocks. •How to leverage the decades of investment in legacy systems whilst incorporating the best of what modern analytics systems can offer and continue utilize the resources ideally suited for your organizations modeling building process. Read More

  • Cyber Security Issues and Challenges in AI

    Tune into this webinar to hear AI security issues and the best approaches to apply while using AI-powered products in daily life. Key Takeaways: - Security challenges in AI; - Best practices to use AI products; - Best practices to implement security practices. Read More

  • Managing Machine Learning Projects

    Sometimes people manage machine learning projects as if they were software development projects. Sometimes they use approaches that have evolved and "just work for them." And sometimes they don't manage them at all! But the community "in the know" has come up with approaches and techniques that work to remove risk from ML projects and create high quality outcomes without burning out valuable teams in the process. I've written this all up in the book Managing Machine Learning Projects: From Design to Deployment (Manning, 2022). In this talk, I'll give an overview of the methodology and the motivations behind it. Attendees will learn: - How to get a project started; - What the team needs to focus on up front; - Where the risks come from; - How to handle the model development process; - Why evaluation is fundamental to success; - How and why to integrate ethics into the process; - What needs to be considered when integrating ML into applications. Read More

  • The Economics of Data and Analytics

    Data is widely considered the most valuable asset in the world; that data is no longer just the exhaust of the business, but more and more is becoming the business. If data is the new oil in driving the economic growth of the 21st century, then how effective is your organization at leveraging data and analytics to derive and drive new sources of business and operational value? Data and analytics are unique economic assets -- assets not only never wear out, but actually can appreciate, not depreciate, in value the more valuable they are used. Give that, tune into this webinar session to discover how your organization can embrace a systematic approach to build out your data and analytic economic assets. Read More

  • Graph Foundations for Advanced Analytics and Collaboration

    Intelligence should make sense across the general, the specific and the in-between. Instead, we've got general rule-based thinking in one set of silos, and narrow probabilistic thinking in another. A knowledge graph foundation for analytics and collaboration provides the means for solving two problems: 1) How to eliminate siloing, and 2) How to ensure quality, contextualized data at scale. With the knowledge graph approach, we're not just looking for your keys under the lamppost because that's where the light is. Instead, the light is in more places. In other words, there's less observational bias and more explicit context. The result is a shared advanced analytics environment we can have confidence in. This talk will discuss practical examples of knowledge graph foundations and how they're used today in analytics for ecommerce, healthcare, and scientific research. It will also lay out a roadmap to artificial general intelligence through more math, more data storytelling, and more actionable insight in the graph. Bio Alan Morrison is an independent consultant and freelance writer on data tech and enterprise transformation. He is a contributor to Data Science Central with over 35 years of experience as an analyst, researcher, writer, editor and technology trends forecaster, including 20 years in emerging tech R&D at PwC. Read More

  • How to overcome your biases and get better results from data exploration

    When we think of AI we tend to think of predictive models and supervised learning. But AI can be applied to the exploration and understanding of our data right from the start, leading to better business decisions. Virtualitics Co-head of AI, Aakash Indurkhya, sits down with author and data scientist Tobias Zwingmann to talk about how hypothesis-driven exploration is leaving valuable insight on the table, and setting you up for underwhelming AI. Join us as we discuss how to use AI to explore data—we like to call it Intelligent Exploration—and how it can impact your business. You will learn: How to discover high-impact insight that you’re overlooking today How to determine where you should direct your AI resources by uncovering good use cases and assessing the feasibility of projects How to remove bias and limits from your exploration to find impactful opportunities Read More

  • Supply chain planning with AI

    From the rapid rise of ecommerce, to labor shortages, to geopolitical and macro economic tensions - CPG & Retail supply chains are being impacted in a myriad of ways. Join us as we share how companies have solved key inventory planning challenges by leveraging AI driven demand forecasting to bring agile, smarter decision making to daily supply chain operations. Hear how o9 integrated Google Cloud’s Vertex AI Forecast into their Digital Brain solution to solve forecast accuracy problems and ultimately reduce risk, improving financial performance. The Vertex AI Forecast offering, when integrated into the o9 Digital Brain’s open architecture framework, providing a more comprehensive supply chain solution.The end result helps ensure that demand will be met without running the risk of having excess and obsolete inventory. Read More

  • Delivering Business Value Through Scaled AI

    The AI market in its current state is rapidly transforming, but not fully transformed. Organizations are shifting from AI Experimentation to AI at Scale, but very few organizations have been able to do so successfully to become completely AI-fueled. These AI-fueled organizations have been able to move AI out of a few use cases in an R&D setting and into a company philosophy, scaling AI across the entire organization. They have discovered how AI and Machine Learning (ML) can be used, developed roadmaps, defined strategies around Machine Learning Operations (MLOPs), and implemented ethics governance to realize evergreen business value. Join Deloitte Consulting's Rohit Tandon (ReadyAI Practice Leader) and Jatin Dave (ReadyAI Senior Manager), to learn how organizations can accelerate their AI journey and achieve scale with speed. Read More

  • AI in BI: How to Kickstart Your Adoption Journey with Accenture

    Theoretically, AI in BI should allow all users within an organization to discern, easy to understand actionable insights that help in attaining business outcomes. Often, lack of definition, standards, defined metrics, alignment to business outcomes, paucity of skilled resources and budgets, poor implementation and hesitancy to adopt AI are among some of the top reasons for failure of AI in projects that showed tremendous promise but did not yield good business outcomes. This discussion explores some critical questions every business must ask before adopting AI and a step-by-step approach for implementing AI. Some key areas of exploration during this session: • Why is AI all around us and what is AI in BI? • What are the benefits of AI in BI? • What does it mean to infuse AI in BI? • How does one successfully implement AI in BI? • How do you drive AI adoption in your business? • What are some key steps to realize the power of AI in BI? This session breaks down some of the complexity of AI in BI, where business can gain deeper insight into their data, using intuitive exploration tools, visualizations, dashboards and other easy-to-comprehend metrics and present a more compelling case to their clients, engaging them through concise, explainable data. Read More