

  • The ABCs of Webinar Lead Generation

    In the digital age, the benefits of webinar-based demand gen strategies are clear. Companies of varying sizes and structures are tapping into this engaging content format to break down complex ideas, draw in prospects, and grow customer relationships. But is the success of a webinar program just about sharing great content? In reality, a true revenue-driving webinar program requires advanced planning and coordination across your entire commercial team. Join members of BrightTALK’s closely integrated marketing, sales, and customer success teams for a deep-dive into our demand generation playbook. They’ll talk through how to align during every stage of a webinar program to drive the maximum revenue potential from video-based engagement. Read More

  • Refining Your Focus: Your ICP, Hybrid ABM and Intent

    As ABM matures, most B2B GTM teams are looking to apply the thinking more broadly across their practices and at greater scale. Likewise, while many practices don’t have the resources for a dedicated one-to-few ABM approach, they do have the need and desire to incorporate ABM principles where they can, to drive better results from specific types of accounts. In this session, we will look at how intent data supports the application of ABM principles within different functions and tactic sets for better outcomes across your ICP. Read More

  • The Neuroscience of Memorable Content

    Research shows that people forget 90% of your content after 48 hours. So how can they act on your message if they only remember a tenth of it? How do you even know which tenth they’ll remember? Drawing on neuroscience insights, Dr. Carmen Simon shares practical techniques to help you create memorable and actionable messages. Join this session to learn the latest neuroscience research, based on both cognition and emotion, to understand why memory is mandatory in business and how to create memorable and actionable content. After all, what is the use of memory if people don't act on it? Join this webinar to learn how to: *Create consistent mental models to impact precision memory *Appeal to the brain’s two pathways to attention and memorability *Offer content that people like and want (liking and wanting are two different networks in the brain) Read More

  • B2B Thought Leadership: The Intersection of Brand, Reputation, and Sales

    Even in B2B, brand is paramount. It's how we get on the list for purchase consideration, build long-term connections with buyers, and extend our relationship into new areas. And true thought leadership can be a critical part of building a brand, especially when delivered by your people. By offering fresh perspective and credible expertise, your brand evangelists give you a competitive edge to win more mindshare and close more deals. That said, it’s a different kind of content often delivered via channels outside of the realm of focus for most teams. Join Jeff Kunken, VP of Creative Accounts (BrightTALK) as he sits down with marketing powerhouses to explore how building a strong personal brand helps leaders compete in an ever-changing economy. They’ll discuss how true thought leadership helps maximize marketing influence, nurture target accounts, and bring in additional revenue by broadening your sales funnel. Speakers: Host: Jeff Kunken, VP of Creative Accounts (BrightTALK) Mary Shea, PhD, VP, Global Innovation Evangelist (Outreach) Mario Martinez, Jr., CEO and Founder (Vengreso) Read More

  • The most critical and FORGOTTEN element in advanced analytics: ML, AI and MO

    There’s no questioning the massive impact advanced analytics in AI and ML have had on our lives, and from a business perspective, these technologies have made available an unprecedented wealth of information for decision-making. This information has evolved our ability to understand what can happen in the future. What hasn’t evolved is our approach to making decisions. Business decisions are more complex than ever, yet a critical element of intelligent decision-making is overlooked – mathematical optimization (MO) This talk will address several key topics on incorporating MO with AI and ML, including: Defining MO Describing how MO and ML can work together MO case studies and success stories Facts about MO (e.g. scalability, guaranteed optimality) Learning MO and getting started Read More

  • Using Audience Insights to Drive Value at Scale

    Buyer behavior has evolved rapidly in the last decade. B2B buyers have embraced video-based content consumption in recent years and the emergence of new technologies has made creating content easier and cheaper than ever before. Today’s marketers need to leverage data to their advantage if they expect to stand out in our crowded B2B space. Join BrightTALK’s marketing leaders as we explore how professionals are consuming omnichannel content, outline proven tactics to drive increased demand, and demonstrate best practices for successful webinar, video, and virtual event programs. Learn not only how and where buying teams conduct pre-purchase research, but how marketers can operationalize those insights to best reach and educate their audience. Read More

  • Content Strategy As Competitive Advantage In 2023

    There is one thing that every marketer must face and that is content will never be a differentiator. However, your approach and process to content just might be. Let’s discuss how modern brands are actually creating competitive advantage with a systematic approach to creating, managing, activating and measuring content. Let’s explore a step by step approach to building the right content operation. You’ll learn: *Examples of evolutionary approaches for building ecosystems of content, rather than siloed channels *A step by step approach for how you can develop a B2B content operation that differentiates your business *How an intelligent content operation provides the foundation for a measurable content strategy Read More

  • Fuel Your GTM with Credible, Data-Driven Content

    Your GTM’s competitive effectiveness depends on the insights you have for fuel. To better connect your solutions to real buyer needs ─ and do it in ways that support them throughout their buyer’s journeys ─ you must address product-market-fit, solution gaps, buyer challenges and more. So, while input from your own campaigns and website provide a solid start, to deliver the digital content your buyers need today, you need to do far better. Join John McKnight, EVP, Research & Analyst Services at TechTarget’s Enterprise Strategy Group, for an in-depth look at how GTM teams should tap into quantitative, qualitative, and the best sources of behavioral data to generate positioning, messaging and asset deliverables that win. As a special guest feature, we’ll also hear from TechTarget’s Chief Content Officer, Kelley Damore, as she highlights how her world-leading enterprise tech editorial team uses its own approaches at massive scale. Read More

  • Table ronde : Connaître ses adversaires… et ses propres faiblesses

    Se prémunir des cyberattaques, cela passe aussi par la surveillance de ses adversaires, la connaissance de leurs habitudes, de leurs pratiques. C’est le renseignement sur les menaces. Son pendant, c’est la connaissance de ses propres faiblesses et la surveillance de ce que l’on expose que des attaquants pourraient être tentés d’exploiter. Patrice Renaudineau, RSSI, Nantes Métropole Teodor Chabin, CISO, Confidential Pierre Raufast, Cyber defense Department (CERT), Michelin Read More

  • Data Security nouvelle approche de la Cyber Securité ?

    À l'heure où tout le monde travaille dans des environnements de plus en plus distribués, dans un contexte où les cyber-attaques sont omniprésentes, la cyber-résilience est devenue un sujet de discussion au niveau des conseils d'administration. Les équipes informatiques et de sécurité doivent repenser leur approche de la gestion des données afin de réduire leur exposition au risque d'intrusion et de ne payer de rançons et ou d'amendes réglementaires résultant d'attaques par ransomware; tout en réduisant le temps moyen de réponse et de récupération en cas d'attaque. L'approche unique de Rubrik en matière de gestion des données Zero-Trust assure la résilience de l'entreprise en garantissant que les données restent à l'abri des attaques, en utilisant du "Machine-learning" et en automatisant les processus afin de réduire le temps moyen de récupération ("Mean Time to Recovery"). Cette approche vous permet de vous préparer et de répondre aux cyber-attaques en détectant et analysant les activités anormales, en protégeant les sauvegardes, en automatisant les restaurations et en simplifiant les cyber-investigations au moyen d'une recherche d'indicateurs de compromission avancée. Participez à cette session pour découvrir comment vous pouvez augmenter la résilience de votre entreprise face aux attaques de ransomware. Read More