

  • Optimizing Remote Employee Collaboration

    The world of work has shifted as now more employees work remote than are in the office. Succeeding in this new paradigm requires a proactive strategy to ensure that employees have the right apps and devices, and that IT is equipped to support the virtual office as it supports the physical office. In this webinar, Metrigy CEO and Principal Analyst, Robin Gareiss, will share the latest research into how organizations equip and manage remote employees to ensure collaboration success. Robin will answer questions including: • How to ensure high quality voice and video performance from anywhere? • What devices to provision, and how to manage them? • What role should IT play in equipping and managing remote employees? • How to ensure security of applications, regardless of location? • How to ensure collaborative culture for in-office, remote, and hybrid employees? • What applications are required beyond messaging and video? Read More

  • Key Concerns of Cyber Leaders

    It's no secret that the cybersecurity landscape is constantly changing, requiring CISOs and security teams to adapt and pivot at a moment's notice. But the security organizations with the strongest foundations will be most able to rise to whatever challenge the future brings. In this panel session, learn about the major initiatives CISOs are planning for in the coming year, changes they are anticipating, and pain points they hope to mitigate.   You'll hear about topics such as: * Changing regulatory needs * Surviving the economic and geo-political environment * Crucial skills development areas * Technology investments * Cyber insurance About the moderator: Deidre Diamond is the founder and CEO of CyberSN, the largest cybersecurity talent acquisition technology and services firm in the US. Deidre’s leadership style combines 25 years of experience working in technology and staffing, her love of the cybersecurity community, and a genuine enthusiasm for people. She has led large-scale sales and operations and built high-performance teams at Rapid7 and Motion Recruitment prior to founding her own organizations. Deidre has also founded SecureDiversity.org, a non-profit organization working to raise awareness for, and increase the hiring of, women and underrepresented humans in the cybersecurity workforce. Confirmed panelists: Ozgur Danisman, VP, EMEA Sales Engineering, Forcepoint Brenna Leath, Head of Product Security, sas Dr. Kelley Misata, Founder and Chief Trailblazer, Sightline Security Read More

  • How Old math can solve new problems

    5 ways to improve your Security Ecosystem In this presentation I will show you how you can shift left your security layer by learning a new style: detecting and blocking threats at the earliest stage of the attack chain, and how threat intelligence can make your security insightful. I will explain how to translate threat intelligence into actual security enhancements which will lead to more tangible follow up to ensure your SecOps workload will be reduced. The old math will solve new problems by using what’s already on your IT, IoT (and some cases OT) network. Read More

  • The Great Data Migration: Cybersecurity & Privacy in M&A & Legacy Data Migration

    In the case of a legacy data migration, companies need to migrate their corporate data from an old system to a new one. When it comes to Merger and Acquisition (M&A) data carve outs, companies need to extract, migrate and merge selective data from one company’s system to another. There are many risks involved in these types of migrations, including cybersecurity and privacy risks. Attend “The Great Data Migration: Dealing with Cybersecurity and Privacy in Legacy Data Migration and M&A Data Carve Outs” on Wednesday, 12 October at 10:00 am GMT. - Learn how to take advantage of natural language processing and machine learning to automate sensitive data discovery, classification and redaction at scale. - Listen to Kyle DuPont, Co-Founder and CEO, Ohalo on how to gather insights to securely accelerate data migration during M&A. - Secure unstructured data assets in line with privacy regulations and the legal rules that govern the disclosure of sensitive personal information. Read More

  • The IT Compliance Role in Safeguarding the Enterprise from Post-COVID Symptoms

    In recent years, much attention has been paid to the technology that prevents malware and malicious attackers from wreaking havoc in enterprise systems, especially during the COVID era. Multi-factor authentication? Check. Robust access control? Check. Intelligent firewalls? Check. Still, a lot of IT enterprise leaders overlook the importance of the IT compliance function in identifying COVID symptoms, especially the “people” aspect of the information technology triad of people-process-technology. In this presentation, Ralph Villanueva will speak about the vital role IT compliance plays in securing the enterprise by identifying these post COVID symptoms, and what enterprise IT leaders can do to harness their valuable expertise and unique role in the organization. About the speaker: Ralph has been keeping his employers compliant with IT and cybersecurity requirements across numerous and diverse regulations such as the Nevada Gaming Control Board, Payment Card Industry, COSO-Integrated Framework, COBIT and ISO 27001 since 2007, and data privacy since 2017. His more than two decades of internal and IT audit and compliance work in the US and the Asia Pacific region provide him with insights not only in enforcing IT and cybersecurity requirements in light of changing regulatory and technical environments, but also in anticipating and dealing with future. Ralph has also earned numerous certifications such as the ISO 27001LA and ISO 27701LA, CISA and CISM, PCI-ISA and PCIP, CIA and CRMA, CFE, CPA and ITIL. Since 2010, Ralph has regularly spoken at over 40 conferences. Read More

  • Beyond Misconfigurations Correlating Threats to Truly Understand Your Cloud Risk

    Today’s attackers leverage sophisticated techniques against their target organizations, using multiple attack vectors to exploit several security weaknesses. These weaknesses can include misconfigurations, unpatched vulnerabilities, overly permissive access policies, and more. Each may present only a low risk in isolation—but when combined, they create an exploitable chain of weaknesses that drive a high risk of breach. Read More

  • Hiring in the Volatile and Cutthroat Post Pandemic World

    Let’s face it, the world of recruitment is changing rapidly. Cutting edge technology, cautious candidates in a post-pandemic world, and the ever-growing need to demonstrate diversity and inclusion within your organization are requiring recruiters to adapt. This agility will be necessary for talent teams to ensure that we are creating and implementing the best recruiting strategies possible, both for candidates and the organization. Join Jason Yi (Choco), Hannah Liberman (CB4), Melissa Rokaitis (Wayfair), Kameron Norton (Loadsmart) and Danielle Bergere (Aircall), in a panel discussion moderated by Gita Selli (Loadsmart) covering these key topics that are on everyone in the talent world’s minds. We’ll cover: Hyper personalization: Tailor your approach to cut out the recruiter noise Candidate experience: Communication is even more important post covid Employer branding: The trends that attract the best talent Read More

  • NEXUM Cloud’s AI Platform Adoption Framework AI as a Service

    The Nexum AI Platform Adoption Framework: A guiding framework for leaders who want to leverage the power of AI to transform their business. And a tool to assess where you are in your journey and define where you want to be. Nexum AI as a Service was developed as an engineer’s guide to building AI-enabled platforms and services. The aim of the our platform is to get you up and running, and able to produce results quickly, without getting stuck in the weeds. AI and machine learning are big topics, and there is an awful lot to learn if you wish to master these disciplines. We examine these from a developer’s perspective to provide a practical, hands-on guide. All of the major cloud vendors are engaged in a race to provide relevant AI services, such as ○ Image recognition ○ Speech-to-text, text-to-speech ○ Chatbots Language translation ○ Natural language processing ○ Recommendations We review the current state of the art, and we categorize the available services on Google into a standard architectural structure. Following we dive right in and build a serverless image recognition system as our first AI as a Service platform. Read More

  • Building a Cybersecurity Culture: It’s Time to Think Differently About Training!

    People are crucial to the success of your cybersecurity culture. With the rate of change in cyber and information Security, we need to start thinking differently about bringing our teams up to speed. This session will discuss some tips and ideas to build a more robust training and learning solution for your security team and create security champions throughout your organization. We will also explore the importance of providing career pathways to encourage growth and career advancement of your current teams and how to attract new talent. About the speaker: Connie Matthews Reynolds is the Founder/CEO of ReynCon, LLC (REST- ReynCon Educational Services & Training). Her passion drove her to start her own company, to help companies and individuals seek to build more awareness toward soft and technical cybersecurity training and provide professional services to assist organizations in improving their security posture. A believer in the importance of giving back to the community, she is also President, Central Ohio ISSA; founding member of EmpoWE-R Women of InfoSec, named in Cybercrime Magazine's 181 Top Women in Cybersecurity to follow on Twitter and Columbus Business First's Who’s Who to Follow. Read More

  • Leveraging the Power of First-Party Data to Create Powerful FinServ Experiences

    Storm clouds are on the horizon when it comes to how to successfully and securely leverage the power of customer data. What are marketers to do when third-party cookies are no more? First-party data to the rescue! Join Tealium’s Director of Product Marketing, Matt Parisi, in this lively discussion and learn how to: - Apply 3 key mandates to your FinServ CX initiatives - Shift your data strategy from third-party to first-party - Leverage key martech to power more comprehensive marketing campaigns Read More