

  • How Threat Actors can Hack your Applications

    The evidence is in the news: Threat actors are taking constant advantage of weakly secured applications. In this 15-minute video interview with Information Security Media Group’s SVP of Editorial, Tom Field, Digital.ai’s Dan Shugrue discusses the need for application security. * How threat actors are exploiting unsecured software * How we make exploitation too easy for the adversaries * How a Protection Blueprint can change the tide Read More

  • How to Have Powerful Conversations that Influence Others

    Getting a customer’s attention and their buy-in to your solution is critical to your success. Yet most salespeople are doing things in the conversation that is taking from that objective. As leaders, salespeople need to create an environment that is safe for their customers and one that motivates them to participate in the RIGHT conversation. Doing this correctly will help you increase your closing ratio and identify new opportunities. In this interactive webinar, Ron Karr will provide simple strategies and tactics on how you can get your customer’s attention and buy-in. He will model it for you and explain why it works based on the latest neuroscience findings. You will be amazed at how simple it really is. Key Takeaways: * Leverage the psychology of influence * Remove barriers and build questioning skills that help you start a conversation and engage in ways that help you learn more from others * Position your products and services more powerfully * Discover the counterintuitive engagement strategy of leading with Outcomes vs. Products/Services * Why Velocity Mindset™ is critical to the survival of your business * How to achieve bigger results Ron Karr, Sales Strategist, Global Keynote Speaker and Creator of the Velocity Mindset™ Read More

  • It’s Not Cyber Crime, It’s Cyber Warfare

    Cyber attacks are not random acts that affect only a few. They are calculated ambushes that will impact you at some point -- whether you're prepared or not. Join this session as Jim Goldman discusses the state of cybersecurity, the implications of an attack, and what you can do to best mitigate your risk to protect yourself and your business. About the speaker: Jim Goldman is the co-founder and CEO of Trava, a company created to protect small and medium-sized businesses from the potential damage of cyber threats through risk assessment, security strategy, and cyber insurance. He is a nationally published author and frequently requested speaker and subject matter expert on technical topics and security topics. Prior to founding Trava, he was a faculty scholar at Purdue University where he served as a professor and associate department head. He started a research lab serving the FBI and trust organizations for cloud computing companies that included Salesforce. And while at Salesforce he was responsible for enterprise-wide security governance, risk management, and compliance and built the company's first Security GRC organization. Read More

  • Supercharge Your Sales: How to Make CRM Tools Work for Your Team

    Ensuring enterprise sales teams are continually trained and using CRM/lead management tools is a major component of sales cycle success. Oftentimes, sales organizations struggle to keep their team members engaged and actively using the platforms, despite assurances of increased efficiency and improved sales lead development. Vispi Daver, the senior vice president of sales at Whatfix, the leading Digital Adoption Solutions (DAS) provider, will offer insights on how management can empower their teams to take advantage of CRM tools to supercharge their sales efforts. This talk will feature actionable strategies on how to leverage technology to streamline onboarding, customize training and provide ongoing support to sales teams. Read More

  • Mastering the New De Facto

    The advent of COVID-19 globally and the enforced restrictions in social interaction has irrevocably changed how businesses must interact in the vital economic process of buying and selling. This has by necessity become a virtual process dependent on technology. The question is ‘How do we thrive in this new world and how do we Master the New De Facto?’ According to recent surveys, buyers prefer digital interaction with sellers and the adoption rate has jumped significantly, yet in their opinions of sales effectiveness in the virtual marketplace, sellers are not significantly impacting purchasing decisions due to their lack of preparedness or inability to manage the technology properly. It seems that even experienced sellers can forget the basic sales 101s in the confusion to manage the new media and modus operandi. With a little education, self-organisation and adoption of new tools, this can change. In this short webcast, you will learn: How to embrace the change and become proficient with the technology How to build your own credibility in the social arena How to leverage your company’s investment in tools to help you How to prepare and become more effective in virtual selling How to engage your customers both during a virtual meeting and afterwards Read More

  • Geopolitical Instability and Its Impact on Cybersecurity

    Geopolitical instability and cybersecurity are unavoidably intertwined. Organizations of all types can be at higher risk even if they’re not connected to a conflict. Cyberattacks are a weapon sometimes wielded even against nation-states not directly involved in a conflict. Going into 2023 Russia’s war in Ukraine will bring it with cyberthreats. Other nations too, including North Korea, Russia, China and Iran, are likely to raise organizational leaders’ concerns about security. This panel will look at the current and near-future prospects for geopolitical conflict, including • The role of cybercriminals in conflicts between nations, such as the Conti and Stormous ransomware groups’ support for Russia in the current Ukrainian conflict; • How nation-states weaponize cyber-attack skills to increase their power in the world; • Where CISOs, CEOs, and other organizational leaders should focus security investments to respond to threats issuing from global conflict. • What tools exist for companies to keep themselves from becoming “casualities” in an international conflict. Moderated by: Rob Wright, News Director at TechTarget Panelists: Kevin Kirkwood, Deputy CISO | LogRhythm Inc. Ron Meyran, Senior Director | Radware Deveeshree Nayak, Assistant Teaching Professor | University of Washington School of Engineering and Technology Read More

  • Get Ahead of the Game: Preparing for 2023’s Inevitable Cyber Security Breach

    Could your organisation truly survive a data breach and emerge unscathed? If the answer is no, or maybe, your cyber security strategy needs a rethink. The importance of preventing and protecting your organisation against a cyber attack is now a fundamental ‘must’, not simply an option. If your organisation was attacked, how would the attacker be detected and moreover, what response plan is currently in place and how could impacts be minimised? In this fireside discussion, ESG Analyst John Grady is joined by Richard Meeus, Akamai’s EMEA Director of Security Technology and Strategy to explore how to bullet-proof your data for 2023. Join them to discuss: - Why active prevention is now a security 'must-have' instead of a 'nice-to-have' - The risk organisations will face in 2023 - How to minimise the impact of a breach - The state of ransomware in 2023 - And much more! Read More

  • Master Security Kryptonite: How To Proactively Pinpoint and Mitigate User Risk

    What if you could predict, and thus prevent, most security incidents in your organization? While we know 82% of attacks originate from human fallibility, effective risk management requires pinpointing the riskiest users. Fortunately, recent research has revealed the 7% of the workforce responsible for the majority of incidents. This presentation offers security professionals a new way to think about measuring user risk. Attendees will come away with: • An understanding of how user risk can be quantified with data from security tools; • Examples from leading security teams who’ve improved their organization’s cyber defense; • An approach to the different stages of user-risk management, from feedback to tailored controls; • Methods to mitigate workforce risk by applying risk-appropriate interventions; • Ways to use feedback to build trust and transparency and risk-based controls to enhance security protection; • and more! Read More

  • Threat Actors Never Sleep ….Neither Can Your Security

    In today’s cybersecurity landscape, you can never let your guard down. Imagine you come into work to find your servers have been infected with ransomware. Where do you go from here? By leveraging machine learning and true artificial intelligence, you can gain peace of mind knowing you have around-the-clock coverage to prevent cyberthreats and stop bad actors in their tracks. Join Jonathan Jackson – Director Sales Engineering, from the BlackBerry Cybersecurity team in APAC to learn: - The basic steps you can adopt now to prevent being exposed by threat actors. - How you can protect your organisation from threats lurking in the shadows 24x7x365. - It’s time to outsmart and outlast modern cyber threats. Read More

  • Zero Trust – Revelations and evolutions of today’s default security paradigm

    In twelve short months, Zero Trust has gone from buzzword to the default security paradigm. The percentage of Asia Pacific companies with a defined Zero Trust initiative underway has increased dramatically, up almost 20% in 12 months. 83% of businesses now say Identity is important to their Zero Trust security strategy, and we’re seeing an interesting shift in the prioritisation of security over customer experience in the APAC region. According to Okta’s latest State of Zero Trust report, almost all APAC companies surveyed will have a Zero Trust strategy in plan or in play by the end of 2022. Many of these organisations have moved beyond the preliminary phases of implementation such as MFA, SSO and connected used directories. Join us as we invite guest security experts [name] from AWS and [name] from Crowdstrike to unpack the findings from this year’s report, and reveal what this means for the future Zero Trust adoption in APAC. What’s driving the rapid adoption of Zero Trust? Why is the balance tipping in favour of Security over CX? Why should you prioritise Identity as the foundation of your Zero Trust strategy? How to accelerate your Zero Trust journey past the traditional and emerging phases? Read More