

  • EDR, XDR, MDR: Filtering Out the Alphabet Soup of Cybersecurity

    What you’ll learn: Outlining the various solutions in the cybersecurity market Today’s top security challenges The differences between Product (XDR) and Service (MDR) How to select the right solution for your organization An overview of Secureworks ManagedXDR Answers to questions that our speakers received during the live webinar EDR. XDR. MDR. If you’re looking at the cybersecurity market today, there are a lot of acronyms floating around – leading to a lot of confusion. How do you filter through the alphabet soup and find the solution that solves your unique security challenges? Please join Secureworks® and Frost & Sullivan for a discussion that will clear the confusion in the market and help CISOs understand what to consider in discovering the right solution based on their organization’s needs! Read More

  • A Pragmatic Approach to Automating Your Defenses

    Effective cyber defense requires time-consuming analysis and a level of data aggregation and correlation that is at best an art, and at worst cost prohibitive. Meanwhile, attackers remain agile and inventive, rapidly changing their methods with minimal costs (to them). Automation brings with it the promise of leveling the playing field, giving more time back to defenders and keeping us equally agile. Unfortunately, it is far more common that automation in cybersecurity expands already monolithic tool sets, extends vendor lock-in, and increases our support costs. This talk will outline a pragmatic approach to automation in cyber defense that increases efficiency without breaking your budget. Attendees will learn how to identify candidate tasks and workflows ripe for automation, apply a repeatable approach to introducing automation, and avoid common pitfalls in building a more automated cyber defense. Read More

  • 5 Critical Steps to Secure Cloud Apps and Data

    Are you confident that your Data Protection strategy is effective? With cloud apps, mobility, and state-sponsored threats on the rise, your data is now in danger more than ever. Securing distributed data has become a top challenge in today's organizations, and most security approaches fail to approach the problem holistically. Therefore it’s time to take a step back and re-evaluate your security model. Read More

  • CISO Security Tips to Manage the “End” of COVID-19

    With the post-pandemic work environment taking shape, CISOs must now come to terms with permanently remote and hybrid workforces, the decline of VPNs and perimeter-based security technologies and other inalterable changes. At this “point of no return,” security leaders require an updated roadmap to effectively manage new and improved cyber threats and a user base stretched out across locations doing work with third party and non-sanctioned applications. Attackers are growing sneakier and more sophisticated in penetrating the less defined barriers of the new workforce. CISOs should rethink old strategy and risk models in order to secure their companies in this destabilized post-pandemic world. Tune into this panel discussion including top experts in the cybersecurity sphere and discover how CISOs and other security leaders can guide their companies into a safer future. Some of the key discussion points will include: - Top threats predicted to strike in 2023 and how security leaders can prepare. - How to phase out legacy security technologies that may no longer be effective in this post-pandemic work world. - The biggest challenges brought forth by hybrid and remote workforces and how to address them. - Rethinking and re-organizing your organization’s risk model. Read More

  • Have You Been Breached Yet? Are You Sure?

    How to defend against inevitable security breaches Fallen victim to a data breach yet? If not, your organisation is one of the lucky ones - for now. Cyber attackers are using ever more sophisticated attempts to execute attacks on a daily basis. Realistically, it's unlikely that an organisation can swerve an attack without robust cyber security measures already in place to prevent, detect and mitigate cyber threats. Hear from Akamai's Director of Security Technology and Strategy, Richard Meeus and: - Understand the common attacks in the cyber threat landscape - from DDoS, to phishing, MFA and microsegmentation. - Discover cyber security models and strategies to protect your organisation should it fall victim to an attack. - Learn how you can provide your users with risk-free access to applications and services. Read More

  • 8 Things That Keep CISOs Up At Night (You Won’t Believe Number 4!)

    In today’s rapidly changing world, it’s very easy to lurch from issue to issue without stopping to pause and think strategically about where the issues are coming from and how you can prevent the next one from being a career-defining incident. In this talk, Quentyn will take a light-hearted view of eight issues he sees frequently today; how they have developed, and how to avoid them keeping you up at night. Read More

  • Staying Ahead of the Breach

    “Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it” —Winston Churchill. If the age of Covid has taught us anything, it’s that we need to be nimble and embrace change. But what breach lessons can we learn to help us navigate the future? Join BCyber’s Co-Founder & CEO Karen Stephens as she unpacks key breach themes and the lessons we can learn to help us prepare for the future. This is the chance to learn from the experiences of others rather than having to learn from your own breach! Read More

  • Think like a Hacker: How to Get ahead of Zero Days.

    As engineering teams move faster and faster, we’ve seen application security “shift left” - with testing done earlier and earlier in the development lifecycle. But the way teams test hasn’t changed - we’re still in a land of false positives, vetting applications against known vulnerabilities, and bracing ourselves for emergency patching when the next zero day hits. By thinking like a hacker when testing applications - you can automatically find exploitable vulnerabilities and fix them while your code is still in development -- giving you stronger security while also increasing velocity In this talk, we’ll discuss: The benefits (and limitations) of current approaches to application security Balancing security and development velocity - how to build win/win scenarios Setting realistic targets for application security programs based on known risks Adopting a hacking mindset to help developers increase velocity and security both Using techniques like fuzzing and symbolic execution to ‘hack’ your applications in your own development pipeline Read More

  • Public Sector Entities: Vulnerable and Less Prepared Cyber Targets

    Recent cybersecurity incidents continue to show that public sector entities from local school districts to federal agencies are not immune to cyber threats. These range from ransomware attacks to data breaches involving sensitive student and staff data. Tune into this webinar that will examine trends, highlight examples, and share best practices for steps to take before, during, and after a cyber incident with a focus on public agencies and officials. Read More