

  • Breach Prevention in Cloud Computing

    In the last two years, technology has shifted from onsite to remote. This paradigm shift in computing introduces additional security concerns to both individuals and enterprises. Tune into this presentation to hear TD Bank's Application Release Engineer Pankul Chitrav discuss security issues and concerns common in cloud computing while addressing various key topics like vulnerabilities, threats and mitigations, and breach prevention. Speaker bio: Pankul is an expert DevOps consultant and entrepreneur. With a background in software technology and leadership, her career expands over several industries including education, healthcare, and finance. Currently she is working on Azure Clouds as Application Release Engineer at TD Bank. She has received numerous awards as a technology expert and mentor. Her strong background in learning, development and managing teams makes her the perfect fit. She is widely regarded as the go-to source for automation and troubleshooting. Pankul is a Certified Agile Practitioner and is Certified in Designing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions along with Microsoft Azure Administrator. Pankul has been invited to speak to organizations across the world including RSA and WWC. Pankul is passionate about volunteering and is one of the most sought-after mentor for newly immigrants of Canada. When not working or volunteering, Pankul can be found creating delicious meals and doing gardening. Read More

  • Enablement Fueled by Insights Powers GTM Alignment

    It may seem obvious that alignment to customers and prospects is critical to your company’s GTM performance. But enabling the buying teams that deliver revenue requires that you’re able to keep your GTM teams continuously aligned on customer needs. This session featuring Forrester VP & Principal Analyst Barry Vasudevan explores how Product/Portfolio Marketing can enable customer-facing players with the insights they require to maximize your revenue opportunity as a company. Tune in to learn: • How to Identify the needs and preferences of your buyers and customers • What processes, actions and assets are necessary to align your Go-to-Market team to the customer • A new framework for shared insights and knowledge enablement across the GTM team • Why 98% of organizations that exceed revenue goals enable ALL buyer- and customer-facing roles Read More

  • Keynote: Enablement Fueled by Insights Powers GTM Alignment

    It may seem obvious that alignment to customers and prospects is critical to your company’s GTM performance. But enabling the buying teams that deliver revenue requires that you’re able to keep your GTM teams continuously aligned on customer needs. This session featuring Forrester VP & Principal Analyst Barry Vasudevan explores how Product/Portfolio Marketing can enable customer-facing players with the insights they require to maximize your revenue opportunity as a company. Tune in to learn: • How to identify the needs and preferences of your buyers and customers • What processes, actions and assets are necessary to align your Go-to-Market team to the customer • A new framework for shared insights and knowledge enablement across the GTM team • Why 98% of organizations that exceed revenue goals enable ALL buyer- and customer-facing roles Read More

  • High Impact Sales and Marketing Collaboration

    It’s common sense that organizations that rally together around shared goals will drive more efficiency than those where different functions are at odds with each other. Fully integrated companies are more profitable, drive faster growth, and make happier customers. Yet, most sales and marketing teams struggle with achieving this ideal. What are we doing wrong? And what are those who have reached the ideal doing differently? In this session we'll cover the proven actions top performing teams take. Read More

  • Data-Driven Approaches & GTM Factors: Building a Demand Gen Platform

    Often times, B2B organizations scale and grow through hiring star account executives. However, the dependency on account executives leaves the organization vulnerable to ups and downs of individual sales performances, as well as to losing the skills and capabilities in case they leave the company. In order to minimize the negative impact, it is important to build a institutional machine to support demand generation and deal execution. Join this session to learn data-driven approaches and GTM factors to consider when building a platform to generate institutional sales momentum. Read More

  • Reach it, Don’t Breach It!

    It is no secret your data in the cloud is vulnerable. What's worse is that, according to Gartner, more than 99% of cloud breaches will have a root cause of preventable misconfiguration or mistakes by end users through 2025. But the silver lining -- more like silver word -- to your cloud is that these breaches can be preventable so you can reach to your data in cloud when you need it. Tune in to this presentation from TD Bank's Leena Bongale if you looking for ways to secure your cloud data by: • Securing access with zero trust principles • Protecting data in an era of hybrid work • Transforming your data protection for the cloud • Reducing human error with security posture management Speaker Bio: Leena Bongale is a recognized industry expert with over 18 years of experience in Information Technology and specializes in Information Security and Risk Management. She is currently Manager of Data Protection at TD Bank. Leena is an accomplished speaker, trainer, also volunteers information security consulting on pro bono basis, and has achieved industry certifications including CRISC and SAP BI. Leena regularly speaks on topics including cybersecurity, cloud adoption, business continuity, and compliance. Read More

  • Is Your Security Engineered To Beat Social Engineering?

    Social engineering tactics – using the art of deception in cyberattacks – have climbed to the top spot as the #1 cause of cybersecurity breaches. Our researchers break down common attack vectors, where we’re most vulnerable and find out why social engineering is so successful. Finally, we explore Forrester’s recommendation for the best defence against social engineering tactics like phishing. They make the case for adopting a multi-tiered cybersecurity strategy. Equipped with the right defences, you can protect your business from social engineering. Join our webinar to learn how to protect your business. Read More

  • Top Threats to the Cloud for the Business

    The cloud landscape is complex with different threats, risks, and vulnerabilities that can overwhelm a business and its security teams. An annual report released by CSA tracks the top concerns reported by security professionals to understand how threats and breaches impact the business. Organizations must prioritize how cloud security affects the organization, break down recent cyber attacks, and implement controls that protect the organization from future threats. Some of these tools include the Top Threats initiative complements industry tools for a richer business context. IT leaders should also compare industry perception with actual threat data in the Verizon DBIR. Another strategy is to take real-world attacks and use alternative lateral techniques from the MITRE ATT&CK framework. Finally, security leaders can implement cloud security controls with the Cloud Controls Matrix to mitigate business risk and cyber attacks. Tune into this webinar as Cloud Security Alliance's John Yeoh shows how to use these tools and better communicate cloud security for the business. About the speaker: With over 20 years of experience in research and technology, John Yeoh has held technical analyst, executive, and board member positions in the industry. He is also a Technical Advisory Council Member for the Federation Communications Commission, Standards Officer for the International Standardization Council, and representative on multiple industry professional consortiums. Yeoh is a published author, researcher, and technologist with areas of expertise in cybersecurity, cloud, and next generation technologies. His works and collaborations have been presented in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, SC Magazine, USA Today, Information Week, and others. Read More

  • Application-induced cloud security issues (and how to overcome them)

    When it comes to securing cloud usage, misconfigurations can arise for many reasons and stem from a number of sources. One particularly well-traveled road for the origination of security issues is through application development. Specifically, situations where changes made during development lead to undermined security, the introduction of vulnerabilities, or other non-optimal security outcomes. Fortunately, by working together with development teams, security groups can help find and mitigate these types of issues. This discussion will explore how and why threats get introduced during the development cycle and cover strategies for how you can mitigate those issues when they do. Read More