

  • Global Data Replication for Improved API Performance and Availability

    Content may be king, but API traffic makes up most requests between a user and an application. APIs provide data and personalization critical to users' experience but don't benefit from caching in the traditional sense. Instead, accelerating APIs needs global reach and an architecture that can quickly sync read-replicas to minimize latency and failures. In this webinar, we'll cover best practices to help improve the performance and availability of APIs regardless of the backend technology stack. Read More

  • Unleash Innovation with Multi-Cloud

    There’s a reason only 32% of global data is currently being put to work. Though projections expect 180 zettabytes of data will be created by 2025, these deep troves of information are often locked up, behind skills gaps, data gravity problems, and incomplete hybrid architectures. Even when the data is accessible, diverse teams struggle to collaborate to create, refine, understand, govern, and innovate with their data. Meanwhile, costs are always a factor. Amidst all these challenges — is there a better way? In this session, Faction CTO Matt Wallace will explore: - How a multi-cloud approach solves data gravity and skills gravity - How multi-cloud creates huge cost and innovation advantages over “multiple clouds” - What the future of data warehouses, data lakes, and innovation looks like - How a fluid, hybrid multi-cloud approach can give you the best of all worlds - and what pitfalls to avoid that drive up cost and complexity Read More

  • Overcoming the Challenges of Deploying a Microservices Data Layer on Kubernetes

    Microservices architectures can be a game-changer for business agility and incremental application modernization. Join the session to discover the following key takeaways: - Learn best practices for building microservices leveraging a real-time data layer - How DevOps teams can easily manage, administer and deploy Redis clusters on Kubernetes - The key capabilities of cloud-native Redis Enterprise that make it the ideal data platform for real-time microservices-based applications Read More

  • A Moon-Shot Mission: Transforming Pediatric Healthcare with AI

    Today there is a large gap in quality and access to pediatric healthcare between major cities in rich countries and rural areas in those same countries as well as the entire developing world. We have the power to help repair those gaps and raise the standards of children’s healthcare across the globe, through the development and deployment of pediatric cardiology, orthopedic, neurology, oncology and radiology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. Born out of his early commercial work in cloud computing and inspired by a student in his Stanford cloud computing class, Timothy Chou formed BevelCloud to transform children’s healthcare globally by creating privacy-preserving real-time pediatric applications based on access to 1,000,000 healthcare machines in all 500 children’s hospitals in the world. In this talk, Timothy Chou describes how his team have constructed a widely distributed, privacy-preserving edge cloud service that optimizes communication and collaboration in pediatric healthcare to drive better outcomes for patients across the globe. He’ll discuss the benefits and challenges of using central architectures for AI in medicine and highlight real-time collaboration and privacy-preserving federated learning applications. Join the session to discover: - How software can do good in the world and transform children’s healthcare globally. - The challenges central architectures have to advance AI in pediatric medicine. - An introduction to a new edge cloud service. Read More

  • Enhance sustainability and reduce costs with green cloud computing

    With concerns about the environment constantly on the forefront, businesses should seek to do their part and reduce waste while maintaining efficiency and optimizing costs. The green cloud covers the many environmental benefits provided by cloud use such as reduced data center carbon footprint. Green cloud computing can even reduce costs when properly applied, making it a no-brainer for cloud-invested companies to explore. Tune into this panel discussion to hear experts in the field discuss some practical, real-life tips to making your cloud infrastructure more environmentally friendly: • How to select a green cloud service provider. • The action steps to help “green” your data center such as optimizing infrastructure and tracking usage. • The newer technologies like machine learning that can replace the older more wasteful ones. • How the green cloud can ultimately speed up digital transformation efforts. Read More

  • Not Your Average Cloud: Transforming Cloud Technology With HyperCloud

    Cloud infrastructure today is all built by composition. A disparate mix of hardware and software that must be composed into a final solution that is complex to build and costly and fragile to operate. But does it have to be this way? Join SoftIron CTO Kenny Van Alstyne in this session to explore and understand the transformative technology that underpins SoftIron’s HyperCloud - the world’s first complete technology for building clouds. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to discover this groundbreaking new technology. Join us in this webinar to learn: - The drawbacks with how clouds have traditionally been composed - How rethinking the “silos” of compute network and storage can be transformative - How the concepts like “state and statelessness” can empower a new cloud architecture - How fragmented lifecycle management can be transformed into holistic fleet management deep in the the fabric of the technology - How this enables HyperCloud to be deployed in as little as half a rack and half a day, yet to scale to almost infinity with just generalist IT skills, and with a fraction of the management overhead Read More

  • Cloud Revolution: Accelerating Innovation to Future-Proof Business and Society

    Cloud is quickly becoming the tech enabler of choice to disrupt markets and sectors with differentiated products and services. Savvy business leaders are waking up to the Cloud arms race and utilising its innovative power to re-shape operations and gain competitive edge whilst at the same time harnessing opportunities to embed long term sustainability. We’re no longer in the decade of lift and shift. If businesses aren’t using Cloud to innovate and drive sustainable outcomes in the next, they’ll simply be left behind. Cloud coupled with industry leading knowledge and insight holds real potential for businesses to be successful in both strategy and ambition whilst future-proofing at speed and scale. In this session, Bijit Sikdar, Klairi Liis and Jason Sutherland explore the Current state of cloud Adoption & Maturity, Challenges & Mitigation approaches, the industry-centric thinking and trends driving accelerated adoption to the Cloud; with innovation, global issues and emerging challenges such as sustainability management at the heart of shaping solutions using Cloud products and services. Meet our Panel of experts in the field: Jason Sutherland (Director - Cloud CoE: Innovation & Strategy Lead, PwC) Bijit Sikdar (Director - Cloud CoE: Multi Cloud Pre-Sales Architect, PwC) Klairi Liis (Director - Consulting: Cloud Transformation and Sustainability Tooling, PwC) Read More

  • The Future of Innovation: Changing the Mindset

    When we speak of innovation we invariably default to conversations about technology and how and where it can change our organisations, but true innovation requires creative, original thinking to create the innovative ideas in the first place. It is said that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process and expecting a different result. The same applies to how we think. We need a different approach to enable innovation. Join us in this webinar to explore how different approaches to organisational thinking can unlock potential within your organisation and release the potential for greater innovation. Read More

  • Overcoming Obstacles to Cloud Innovation

    Organizations are looking for new ways to accommodate accelerating cloud growth and edicts. Business agility, competitive differentiation, and the desire to grow overall are the driving factors for cloud adoption. Cloud approaches are necessary in order for the business to evolve, but the transition isn’t easy. Many CIOs are tasked with adopting a cloud strategy but are equally challenged with keeping core business operations going. This puts a tremendous burden on IT as well as lines of business. In this keynote session, ESG Senior Analyst Paul Nashawaty will discuss the skill gaps that make it difficult for organizations to tackle cloud projects, how most organizations are adopting a distributed approach to cloud adoption, why application portability is important, and how the market is evolving to adapt to this new way of doing business. Read More

  • Stop Losing to No Decision or Status Quo

    On average, 38% of B2B opportunities are lost to status quo and involve an average of 11.2 stakeholders. We're not losing to competitors as frequently as we're losing to customer risk aversion. We're losing to the customer's gut feeling that no matter how much "better" our solution may be, the road to "better" involves change, cost, productivity losses while the customer’s team learns how to do something new. Attendees will learn how to show customers that the pain of same is greater than the pain of change. Read More