

  • Pump Up Your Protection Strategy to Move from Surviving to Thriving

    Data protection and cyber resiliency isn’t just an IT problem: all departments need to understand how choosing not to fully invest impacts the entire business—from reputational, revenue, business continuity, and customer experience perspectives. To this end, studies show that 40% of the people who pay post-ransomware attack rarely get all their data back. You can’t assume your backups are safe, and hybrid environments that create exploitable gaps in coverage only serve to compound the issue. Shore up your cyber resiliency strategy by registering for this upcoming Fireside Chat with Hitachi Vantara’s VP of Product & Solutions Gary Lyng, moderated by Bryan Glick, Editor in Chief, Computer Weekly & VP, International Editorial, TechTarget. • How to enhance data protection for complex, hybrid cloud storage environments • How Hitachi Vantara's customers transformed their protection/recovery to improve RPO/RTO, gain resiliency, improve ROI and customer experience • Why comprehensive cyber resiliency requires a closed loop process • And how Hitachi Vantara assures business continuity in the face of ransomware and disasters Read More

  • Can You Trust The Cloud With Your Sensitive Data?

    Join Tim Phipps of Thales as he explores a range of questions IT Security professionals are asking: 1) What is currently driving the demand for putting sensitive data into the Cloud? 2) Hyperscalers have invested huge sums in cloud security so shouldn't we just rely on native encryption keys and key management provided by them to protect sensitive data in the cloud? 3) Is Schrems II now invalid with the recent commitment to the new Trans-Atlantic Data Privacy Framework? 4) What measures can organisations adopt to control their Digital Sovereignty and how to remediate risk once it knows where its sensitive data resides. With a rapidly evolving landscape, Tim will be able to answer your burning questions about the latest guidance to ensure your data is protected and how you can demonstrate compliance so you can continue to focus on enabling your business outcomes. Read More

  • Cyber Resiliency – The Many Layers of Preparedness

    Ransomware is a top-of-mind issue for businesses around the world. However, few organizations feel prepared to combat ransomware attacks. Join the webinar to learn: • Current realities in the market when it comes to addressing the threat of ransomware, including how prevalent these attacks have become. • Preparedness: How to effectively prepare for the ransomware threat and other cyber-security risks and from both proactive and defensive standpoints. • Recovery is paramount. A deep dive into the area where most organizations struggle the most in combatting ransomware. • Identify the priorities and plans associated with mitigating the ransomware threat in the coming 12-18 months. Read More

  • Why The Race Is On To Save The Data: Cyber Crime Expert Explains

    In this authentic and honest talk from "Britain's Greatest Fraudster" and Fraud Expert, Tony Sales, you’ll learn to see the world from an attacker’s point of view, understand how cyber criminals exploit the trust customers place in the companies they do business with, and why organisations continue to fail in the battle against cyber crime. Tony is joined by Rubrik’s Enterprise CTO - EMEA, James Hughes who asks insightful questions and explains what organisations can do today to win the race against ransomware. Read More

  • Protecting Your DNS Infrastructure Against Modern Cyberattacks

    Improving DNS security, performance, and reliability A website or mobile application is only as fast as its slowest component. How can you ensure that DNS does not become that chokepoint? When used and implemented properly, DNS can significantly improve an Internet property’s security, performance, and reliability. However, the DNS infrastructure is highly vulnerable to a wide spectrum of increasingly common cyberattacks that can degrade performance or bring DNS servers down completely. These attacks, along with rising user expectations around website performance and availability, make it risky for DNS to be a single point of failure. Key Takeaways - How to achieving robust site security, performance, and reliability leveraging integrated DNS security that is optimized for performance. - How to improve DNS infrastructure to combat cyberattacks - Different kinds of Cyber Attacks targeting DNS Read More

  • APAC Intent Insights for Regional and Field Teams

    With so much data at our disposal it can be difficult to determine exactly what to action much less how to action it. In this webinar, we’ll take a look at how today’s modern B2B tech marketing and sales organizations in APAC are working toward a single source of truth by integrating various sources of intent and turning it into something meaningful and actionable. The session will start by defining the various types of data and their differences. We’ll then pivot to show how best to combine insights to get a reliable view of your top accounts, the various stakeholders within them and their key priorities. Our focus will be on how regional and field marketing teams, in particular, are leveraging intent to build pipeline and accelerate opportunities. Read More

  • Data-Driven Sales Motions: Maximizing Every Touch

    Although today’s GTM teams have more data and intelligence at their fingertips than ever before, many struggle to truly define and activate a data-driven sales motion. In today’s competitive b2b tech landscape, sales reps are coming head-to-head with the realities of vast business uncertainty. As a result, more deals are stalling because of budget tightening measures. This means that every single interaction with an account needs to be truly valuable and attuned to the buying team’s unique needs. Leveraging the right mix of data, especially purchase intent data, can help sales teams drive higher efficiency and effectiveness along every stage of the buying cycle. Join this live webinar as TechTarget’s Bill Henry sits down with Jules Gsell, RVP, Growth and Startups Sales at Databricks and Chris Kovalcik, Head of Strategic Sales & New Business at Airtable to discuss how their teams are leveraging data and insights to guide their sales strategies. Presenters: Jules Gsell, RVP, Growth and Startups Sales, Databricks Chris Kovalcik, Head of Strategic Sales | New Business, Airtable Bill Henry, SVP, Global Acquisition Sales, TechTarget Read More

  • Using Intent Data to Align to Today’s Tech Buyer Journey

    As the IT landscape changes and technology buying teams continue to evolve, sales and marketing professionals need to understand how their buyers conduct industry research, gather information about vendors and engage with content. To get a better grasp on today’s buyer journey, we surveyed 700+ technology decision makers in TechTarget’s 2022-2023 Media Consumption and Vendor Engagement Study. In this session, TechTarget’s market intelligence leaders will provide a deep dive on this research to explore how sellers and marketers can leverage intent data to improve go-to-market messaging, outreach and content campaigns for more effective buyer engagement. Get your questions answered by the experts and walk away with the insights you need to align your content and engagement strategies with today’s tech purchase journey. Read More

  • Leading Your Way to Better Demand Capture

    Leads could be called “the original B2B intent data” and they’re certainly a first-party component of many good data-based strategies. At the same time, they may be holding some companies back. Since there’s such huge diversity out there, selecting correctly can be a challenge. When you add in internal constituencies’ opinion combined with new intent sources into the mix, the variables can become a bit overwhelming. In this webinar, TechTarget’s CMO John Steinert sits down with Kristin Prosowski, Vice President of Demand and Integrated Solutions to get straight on the different types of leads, by source and attributes. From there they’ll discuss how each type can be used in combination with second-party Prospect-Level Intent™, for marketing, ABM and sales use cases. Read More

  • Real Impact from Intent Data in 2023

    Combined with over-arching trends towards digital, the events of the past few years have caused distinct shifts in buyer behavior. And now, as economic headwinds buffet forecasts across tech, there’s even more pressure on Sales and Marketing organizations to drive productivity improvements. At the same time that this puts new customer acquisition costs under the microscope, it’s driving a distinct focus on existing customers. Intent data can have a dramatic impact on these efforts, as long as you match your desired use cases to the proper Intent types. In this session, guest speaker Forrester Principal Analyst Malachi Threadgill will discuss the differences among Intent data types and how organizations can best leverage them in 2023. He’ll examine use cases for ABM, sales development and customer marketing that will help teams minimize waste and maximize impact as they collaborate towards shared revenue goals. Read More