

  • Context is Critical: Making Sense of Vulnerabilities in a Cloud-Native World

    Context is critical as IT professionals are tasked with making sense of vulnerabilities in a cloud-native world. For example, vulnerabilities can happen at any point in the app development cycle (CNAPP), and security pros are staring down the tunnel of information overload with unceasing alerts. With so much on their plates, how can these pros dial into the security vulnerabilities that are a must-tackle and protect their cloud-native environments? ESG Senior Analyst Melinda Marks sits down with Papi Menon, VP of Product Management, Emerging Technologies & Incubation at Cisco Panoptica, to discuss this topic and explain: • Context is critical: why does vulnerability matter? • How Cisco’s Panoptica helps secure your cloud journey • Why a trusted partner like Cisco matters in your cloud security Read More

  • Raising the Signal: Effective Risk Prioritization in Cloud Security

    Because cloud environments are noisy, nobody has enough resources to pay attention to every single alert. The only way to effectively prioritize risks and detect threats, therefore, is to gain complete visibility and context from code to cloud. To achieve this feat requires consolidating all previously siloed capabilities—e.g. scanning of cloud accounts for misconfigurations, CSPM, CIEM, KSPM, CWPP, and more—to a single view. Given these myriad components, the path to success is often, well, cloudy. In this Fireside Chat, ESG Senior Analyst Melinda Marks sits down with Tim Chase, Global Field CISO at Lacework, to examine actionable strategies with which you can cut through the noise to prioritize cloud security risks with precision. Tune in to discover how: • To strengthen cloud security risk prioritization • Developers and security pros should collaborate to identify vulnerabilities • Lacework helps their customers reduce cloud attack surfaces • And much more Read More

  • CISOs Take on Cloud Data Security: Best Practices, Challenges, & Attack Trends

    The 24x7 threat of a data breach is making more CISOs hyper-focused on securing cloud-resident sensitive data, as this data is a prime target for malicious actors. Its presence poses a huge risk, especially for model-driven organizations with hybrid and multi-cloud environments.   Join Jack Poller (Senior Analyst at ESG), Bernard Brantley (CISO of Corelight), Rahul Gupta (Head of Security & GRC at Sigma), and Amer Deeba (CEO of Normalyze) in an interactive panel as these security leaders share insights on:  • Why the security of cloud-resident data is a key concern for CISOs • How enterprises are shifting security strategies with more emphasis on protecting cloud-resident sensitive data • Selecting an effective framework for cloud data security • Top three best practices to help security teams be more effective at protecting sensitive cloud data Read More

  • Make Kubernetes Even More Efficient

    What if you could combine the ease and efficiency of Kubernetes architecture with the high performance and low latency of Redis? Our Tech Talk shows you how to do just that. In this session, you learn how Redis Enterprise on Kubernetes delivers benefits like automatic scalability, persistent storage, simplified database endpoint management, zero downtime upgrades, and more. Read More

  • How Zero Trust Frameworks Integrate with PQ, PKI, and Identity

    The industry has been talking about zero trust for over a decade—so why are we seeing a surge in Zero Trust projects now? And why is the Zero Trust conversation often dominated by access management vendors, when Zero Trust extends beyond just identity and access management (IAM)? Mark Bowker, ESG Senior Analyst, sits down with Anudeep Parhar, Chief Operating Officer at Entrust and Chad Skipper, Global Security Technologist at VMware to answer these very questions in this session, as well as to thread together the importance of PQ, PKI, and identity to the Zero Trust framework. Tune in to hear more on this topic and learn: • How is the role of PKI changing as we move toward Zero Trust networks? • What level of urgency should IT & infosec leaders put on being quantum ready? • What is the benefit of preparing for a PQ world today? Read More

  • Zero Trust Frameworks: How to Start or Optimize Your Journey

    Utilizing a Zero Trust framework is a necessity with today’s changing nature of work, dynamic threats, and staunch cloud adoption—one that combines trusted identities across users, devices, apps, and workloads, coupled with strong data protection to secure data in-transit, at-rest and in-use across public and private cloud environments. And while a Zero Trust project may start with access management, it doesn’t end there. This reality begs the question: how can you start or optimize your company’s Zero Trust journey? Watch this Fireside Chat with ESG Analyst Jack Poller and Bhagwat Swaroop, President Digital Security Solutions at Entrust, as they illustrate the steps for building a Zero Trust framework, explain the action items for CIOs/CISOs, and reveal how critical crypto agility is to enterprise Zero Trust projects. Read More

  • Mastering Kubernetes Security with Kubernetes Goat

    Kubernetes security is crucial in ensuring the safety and integrity of your organization's data and systems. However, keeping up with the latest security threats and vulnerabilities can be a daunting task. This is where Kubernetes Goat comes in - a "vulnerable by design" Kubernetes Cluster environment that allows you to practice and learn Kubernetes security in a hands-on way. In this webinar, Pragmatic Security Leader Madhu Akula presents the latest version of Kubernetes Goat and demonstrates how to use it to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in Kubernetes and containerized environments. He will cover various attack scenarios and real-world vulnerabilities and show how Kubernetes Goat scenarios can be mapped with them. The session will also explore open-source security tools that can be used to write secure code and deploy secure containers in production. Key Takeaways: - Gain practical, hands-on experience with Kubernetes security through 25+ offensive and defensive scenarios. - Learn about the latest security threats and vulnerabilities in containers, Kubernetes, and cloud-native environments. - Access detailed documentation, labs, and other resources to continue your learning and development in Kubernetes security. - And more... Read More

  • Platforms for product-centric teams

    We're told that a "DevOps culture" involves developers fully embracing operations, and understanding how their applications are deployed and maintained. In the cloud, however, anyone who has looked at the CNCF landscape recently will probably have given themselves a headache! The number of technologies available to solve cloud native application deployment problems is as dazzling as the number of problems is terrifying. How can a development team be product-centric and work on improving their applications all the time whilst still keeping a DevOps mindset and maintaining a secure, cost-effective cloud native platform? The answer is in creating a platform to assist them. But platform engineering as a discipline has been around a long time, and has so far not succeeded in freeing up development teams. Why is this? What needs to change? I'll discuss the concept of product-centric teams and the developer platform, and go through a few major and important points to consider when setting up a platform of your own. Key takeaways: - The cloud native landscape is too complex for developer teams to fully understand and also be productive to their business area. - There must be a platform team to support them. - The platform team must be agile and must be customer-centric. Read More

  • From chaos to clarity: How open source observability transforms IT reliability

    In the digital era of business, IT infrastructure and reliability are critical to success. However, with increasingly complex and dynamic environments to grapple with, maintaining IT reliability in enterprises is challenging. As the rate of innovation continues to speed up, open-source observability tools are transforming IT operations, creating clarity from chaos, by providing insights into potential issues before they become problems. In this session, Atulpriya Sharma (CNCF Ambassador) shares insights and best practices for leveraging open-source observability tools to optimize IT operations in modern enterprises. Join this session to: - Explore the role of observability in driving IT reliability - Understand the four pillars of observability and explore popular open-source observability tools - Hear case studies, demonstrating the real-world impact of open-source observability on IT reliability and - Discover how to leverage community-driven advancements in open-source observability to optimize enterprise IT operations - And more... Read More

  • Designing an internal portal to supercharge developer velocity

    The cloud native development ecosystem is expanding at an unprecedented and chaotic pace. With access to increasingly powerful technologies, developers should be well-positioned to drive innovation forward and work more creatively than ever. However, the problems they are attempting to solve have become more complex than ever, creating friction in the innovation process and limiting developers' ability to deliver. In this session, Suzanne Daniels shares her insights on how organizations can overcome these challenges and improve developer velocity. She will discuss three key solutions that organizations can use to help their developers be more productive and explains how to combine them using an internal developer portal. Topics for discussion include: - Why platform engineering is not just "the new DevOps," and why it's essential to improving developer velocity. - How to improve collaboration between developers and other teams to streamline software development and speed up innovation. - How a developer portal can help organizations embrace chaos, foster collaboration, and integrate solutions for greater productivity. Read More