

  • Fueling business success: The power of customer experience

    The global pandemic and continued economic uncertainty that followed it have brought about significant changes to the way businesses understand and practice CX. Finding themselves in an increasingly complex and competitive environment, businesses have been forced to reassess how they operate. This in turn has led to changes in how customers consume products and services, buy products and services, and communicate with businesses. Additionally, there has been an emergence of new technologies, market players, and new priorities for executives and boards. Businesses have had to adjust their CX strategies to keep up with these changes, and focus on leveraging customer experience to drive business success is stronger than ever. Whereas companies previously focused on driving operational efficiencies through continuous process improvement projects, the pandemic has shown that organizations that prioritize customer needs and preferences are better equipped to maintain a competitive advantage. Understanding and implementing strategies that leverage CX to succeed is more important than ever in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape. Join Mandisa Makubalo (CEO, Unlimited Expereinces SA) to get a roadmap to leverage CX to drive growth and build stronger brand loyalty. Topics for discussion include: - Redefining business success for today’s highly competitive business world. - Implementing CX strategies to fuel long-term business success. - Best practices for leveraging your customer experience strategy to drive growth. - And more... Read More

  • CX priorities to generate customer lifetime value and business success

    When you think of CX what comes to mind? If you’ve asked this question in your company you’re likely to get a hundred different responses. This is the challenge with any selection and positioning of CX investment. Everyone has a view of what it is, its degree of importance and level of investment needed. It’s your role as a customer advocate not just to present investment options but to demonstrate the power of the CX story as an internal and external driver of results. In this session, Jermaine Edwards explores strategies to help you overcome this challenge and set clear CX objectives to drive customer loyalty and generate long-term value. Key takeaways include: - 3 stories every company needs to know to align the business to the importance of CX. - 3 powerful CX initiatives to drive customer loyalty and lifetime value. - The most important question to ask before you begin any CX initiative. - And more... Read More

  • Why CX Should Embrace AI

    ChatGPT has shown us that we can expect more from software. At the same time, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword, promising to completely transform customer experience. However, many enterprises are still hesitant to adopt AI, fearing the risks of technology and uncertain about its potential benefits. In this webinar, Glance CEO, Tom Martin, and Glance SVP of Product & Strategy, David Butler, will address these concerns and discuss how enterprises can leverage AI to improve customer experience without compromising data security, privacy, or ethics. Register now and join the discussion as we explore: - The potential of AI in customer experience, highlighting its ability to deliver personalized, relevant, and timely interactions with customers across multiple channels. - The practical aspects of AI implementation, focusing on best practices for AI integration into existing customer experience strategies. - The ethical considerations of AI and guidelines for enterprises to ensure that their AI-driven customer experience aligns with the highest ethical standards. Join us to discover why you should embrace AI in CX. Register today! Read More

  • From strategy to execution: Leaders’ guide to a winning CX initiative

    In recent years, optimising CX has become a major focus for businesses. Still, most of these initiatives fail to materialise into improvements that customers notice, and in turn are not translating into tangible business results that can demonstrate a clear return on investment. Business leaders prioritise metrics like the Net Promoter Score and invest in flashy digital tools, without first understanding what their customers value most. In this session, internationally renowned author and CX and strategy consultant Matt Watkinson provides a roadmap for delivering experiences that live up to the promise and generate real value for both customers and the business. Join the session to discover how to: - Create exceptional customer experiences that deliver tangible business results. - Leverage data and analytics to get a clear understanding of customer expectations and needs. - Foster a culture of innovation, continuously testing and iterating experiences to drive better outcomes. - And more.. About the Speaker Matt is an internationally renowned author, speaker and consultant on customer experience and strategy. He won the CMI's Management Book of the Year for his first book, ‘The Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences,’ considered by many to be the definitive book on the subject. He has been cited and interviewed by the world's leading research firms, has written for Wired Magazine and The Guardian amongst others, and as a speaker has addressed industry leaders at every kind of organization imaginable, from Microsoft to the FBI. Matt is the CEO of Methodical, a CX and design studio based in California. He is also a Senior Visiting Fellow at Cass Business School, London and a venture partner at the VC fund Tiller Partners. His third book, Mastering Uncertainty was released in March this year to critical acclaim. Read More

  • Moving towards your ideal level of customer centricity: Roadmap to CX success

    In today's competitive marketplace, customer experience has become a crucial factor in driving business success. Positive customer experiences not only lead to increased loyalty and retention but can also help attract new customers through word-of-mouth recommendations. In fact, research shows that customers are willing to pay more for products or services that provide a superior customer experience. However, many businesses struggle to effectively engage with their customers and employees, often failing to progress beyond a few small projects. This can result in a loss of momentum and a failure to fully realize the potential of customer experience initiatives. In this session CX and EX Special Advisor and Author, Alan Pennington offers practical solutions to help you achieve your CX goals. Join the session to discover: - How to build confidence in your CX/EX strategy and avoid common pitfalls. - The value of research and data in developing an effective CX/EX strategy. - Practical and effective engagement strategies to build customer loyalty. - The role of education and training in developing a customer-centric culture. - And more... About the Speaker Alan Pennington is the author of ‘The Customer Experience Book.’ He was Co-founder and Managing Director of market-leading CX Consultancy Mulberry Consulting prior to its sale, and former Deputy Chairman of SuiteCX - the market leading mapping and CX management software firm. Read More

  • How delivering empathy at scale transforms the bottom line

    The research is clear; when all other factors are roughly equal, empathy is the biggest driver of active loyalty. Customers who stay longer, buy more, cost less to serve, and consistently prefer you over your competition. Many organisations have invested in emotional intelligence (EQ) training for their front line staff and it is paying dividends, but they are finding it harder to form and maintain rapport with their customers over digital channels -- after all, bots don’t have feelings. Yet delivering empathy at scale over digital channels can be done using existing technologies and the results are remarkable. In this session, you will learn: - What we mean by empathy. - The role of emotions in customer experience & behaviour. - Finding the "moments that matter". - What it will take to operationalise empathy. - Putting the value of compassion on the balance sheet. Read More

  • Data storage in 2023

    Data is one of the most valuable assets in this world not only for organizations, but also for an individuals. Data plays an important role. In an organization, it can be in the form of client data, financial data, analytical data, and asset data. For individuals, it can be health data, activity data, expense budget sheet, food tracker, and similar others. Data loss or data breach in an organization may result in negative ratings and can impact the organization’s revenue. Tune into this presentation from TD Bank's Pankul Chitrav as she explores: - Why data storage is so important. - Data storage (traditional vs. cloud). - Business risk of not applying data storage security. Read More

  • Achieve compliance and prepare for audits using storage security standards

    Storage professionals need to be up to date on the most important standards in the industry, especially for storage security. Tune into this webinar from industry expert Paul Kirvan to learn the following: - Key standards and guidance on storage security - How to achieve compliance with relevant standards - Tips on preparing for audit addressing storage security Attendees will come away from this session better prepared to address the issues associated with storage security standards, compliance with the standards and storage security audit preparation. About the speaker: Paul Kirvan, FBCI, CISA is an independent business resilience consultant and technical writer with over 35 years of experience in enterprise risk management and security, business continuity, technology disaster recovery and IT auditing. Mr. Kirvan is a Fellow of the Business Continuity Institute (FBCI), a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), and a contributor to TechTarget for over 15 years. Read More

  • Cloud storage security: How to ensure your data is secure in the cloud

    Cloud storage has become an essential component of many businesses' IT infrastructure. However, storing data in the cloud comes with its own unique set of security challenges. This webinar will cover best practices for ensuring the security of your business data in the cloud. We will discuss topics such as data encryption, access control, network segmentation, software updates, and security audits. We will also examine the risks associated with cloud storage, such as data breaches, data loss, and insider threats. Additionally, we will explore the security measures taken by cloud service providers and how to evaluate their security. Finally, we will examine emerging trends and technologies in cloud storage security. This webinar is suitable for anyone interested in cloud storage security, including IT professionals, business owners, and decision-makers. Key Takeaways : - Cloud storage security is essential for protecting your business data from data breaches, data loss, and insider threats. - Best practices for cloud storage security include data encryption, access control, network segmentation, software updates, and regular security audits. - Cloud service providers have their own security measures in place, but it's important to evaluate their security and ensure they meet your organization's security requirements. - Emerging trends and technologies in cloud storage security include serverless computing security and security automation. - Regularly assessing and updating your cloud storage security measures is important to stay ahead of evolving security threats. Read More

  • CXL is coming: Are you ready?

    Compute express link (CXL) technology is rushing onto the scene with a goal of changing the very nature of computer architecture. Not only does this interface support memory disaggregation, persistent memory, and nonuniform memory architectures (NUMA), but it also is being used to standardize the interface between chiplets, which should improve processor cost/performance while creating more diversity in processor types. Members of the storage and computing communities must understand CXL if they want to keep up with tomorrow’s most productive computing configurations. This presentation will begin with a brief CXL tutorial, to explain what it is and why it is needed, and then moves to use cases and the various configurations that the new protocol supports. Attendees will learn: - Why CXL came into being, and what memory models it supports. - The problem of “stranded” memory, and how CXL addresses it. - How CXL benefits the adoption of storage class memory. - CXL’s use in the UCIe chiplet interface. - What storage admins must prepare for as CXL rolls out. About the speaker: Jim Handy of Objective Analysis has over 35 years in the electronics industry including 20 years as a leading semiconductor and SSD industry analyst. Early in his career he held marketing and design positions at leading semiconductor suppliers including Intel, National Semiconductor, and Infineon. A frequent presenter at trade shows, Mr. Handy is highly respected for his technical depth, accurate forecasts, widespread industry presence and volume of publication. He has written hundreds of market reports, articles for trade journals, and white papers, and is frequently interviewed and quoted in the electronics trade press and other media. He posts blogs at www.TheMemoryGuy.com, and www.TheSSDguy.com. Read More