Post-US Election: Global Equity Trends & ETF Flows

Presented by

Andrey Kotlyarenko (Vanguard); Mark Barnes & Catherine Yoshimoto (FTSE Russell)

About this talk

1. A Post-US Election Review of the Global Macroeconomic Environment (Mark Barnes, FTSE Russell) 2. FTSE Russell Index Construction and why it matters (Catherine Yoshimoto, FTSE Russell) 3. ETF Flows and Trends (Andrey Kotlyarenko, Vanguard) **Please note that this webinar is addressed exclusively to investors in jurisdictions where Vanguard's products are approved for distribution. The ETF(s) presented are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by FTSE Russell or LSEG. Nor do FTSE Russell or LSEG make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in any of the products. Vanguard Asset Management Ltd is not affiliated to FTSE Russell or LSEG.**
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