Fixed income: Goldman Sachs strategies for UK rates

Presented by

James Ashley & Rima Haddad (Goldman Sachs Asset Management); Joshua Gorelik & Robin Marshall (FTSE Russell)

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After the Fed pivot, markets now discount faster, and much more, easing than implied by the Fed dot plots or BoE minutes, risking disappointment. Easing in UK fiscal policy and sticky inflation may also delay lower UK rates. Q4’s rally erased most 2023 losses, with Bunds and shorter gilts the best performers, and JGBs the weakest. Join experts from Goldman Sachs Asset Management and FTSE Russell as they discuss the outlook for the UK Gilts market, and potential ways for investors to access it through the FTSE Goldman Sachs UK Gilts 1-10 Year Index: • An overview of the UK macroeconomic outlook and implications for rate markets • A discussion on which points of the curve could be more attractive for investors in the current environment • A highlight of the Goldman Sachs Access ETF that tracks the FTSE Goldman Sachs UK Gilts 1-10 Year Index The FTSE Goldman Sachs UK Gilts 1-10 Years Index (“Index”) measures the performance of fixed-rate, UK government bonds. The Index is created from a starting universe of the FTSE UK Government Bond Index (“Base Index”), screened for maturity, and utilizes an optimization process to select securities and determine weights such that projected return for a given level of risk is maximized. The Index aims to maximize one-month projected return by ensuring the return volatility of the Index remains below a preset level, the term structure is constrained within a band relative to the Base Index, and the duration matches the Base Index. **Please note that this webinar is addressed exclusively to investors in the UK and/or jurisdictions where Goldman Sachs Asset Management's ("GSAM") products are approved for distribution. The ETFs presented are not sponsored, endorsed, issued, sold or promoted by FTSE Russell or LSEG. Nor do FTSE Russell or LSEG make any representation regarding the advisability of investing in any of the products. GSAM is not affiliated to FTSE Russell or LSEG.**
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