Global & Regional Fixed Income Insights: quarterly deep dive - EMEA/Americas

Presented by

Robin Marshall, Director, Fixed Income and Multi-Asset Research, Sandrine Soubeyran, Director, Global Investment Research

About this talk

Join members of our Global Investment Research team, to hear the answers to key questions facing investors in fixed income markets: • Does the recent inflation shock mean the era of zero interest rates is over? • Have markets re-entered a world of higher policy rates in which investor focus will shift away from duration, and back to maximising carry, yield and re-investment income? • How would a deep debt deflation in China impact the global fixed income outlook? • Do labour shortages and steeper Phillips curves mean central banks will be forced to raise inflation targets, to prevent deep recessions? You will hear actionable insights on global yield curves and credit spreads, across sovereign, inflation-linked and corporate indices, and FX-adjusted return performance using data from our global fixed income indices. The discussion will draw upon key findings from our Fixed Income Insights report published shortly before this webinar.
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