Introducing Russell Fixed Income Index Series

Presented by

Speakers from FTSE Russell: Indrani De; Catherine Yoshimoto; Lena Katsnelson; Marina Mets

About this talk

The US market is evolving. Investors are looking for greater precision in their investment decision-making. This requires new approaches to indexing and even more precise tools to support risk-focused investment strategies. The new Russell Fixed Income index suite, a complement to our flagship Russell US equity indices, is designed for investors requiring more precision allocation to track the US domestic corporate bond market. Join our upcoming webinar as our panel of FTSE Russell subject-matter-experts discuss the US investment landscape and offer a timely solution for an evolving market. In particular: • What has changed and why US corporates are relevant in the current climate • How FTSE Russell’s new fixed income indices provide a solution to prevailing investor challenges • Benefits of alignment with our flagship US Russell equity series Speakers from FTSE Russell: • Indrani De, Global Head of Investment Research • Catherine Yoshimoto, Director, Equity Product Management & Benchmark Product Development • Lena Katsnelson, Senior Manager, Fixed Income and Multi-Asset Index Product Management • Moderator: Marina Mets, Head of Americas, Fixed Income and Multi-Asset Index Product Management
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