A significant milestone has been achieved for China and global investors alike: the inclusion of China A Shares into the FTSE Global Equity Index Series (GEIS).
On June 24th 2019, FTSE Russell officially welcomed China A Shares into FTSE GEIS, including more than 1,000 A Shares constituents. The initial tranche of Phase 1 is now complete, with tranches two and three scheduled for September 2019 and March 2020, respectively. It is forecast that China A Shares could represent nearly 5.5% of the FTSE Emerging All Cap Index when all three tranches are complete.
Join experts from FTSE Russell, CSOP Asset Management and GFM Asset Management for an overview of this phased approach:
• China A Shares - why now?
• FTSE Russell’s implementation plan
• Investing in and hedging A Shares exposure
Agenda and speakers:
• FTSE A50 Index – A solution for inclusion? Christopher Vass, FTSE Russell
• Investing in China A Shares via an ETF. Simon Lee, CSOP
• A closer look into factors and hedging strategies in China’s stock markets. Tariq Dennison, GFM Asset Management
• Panel moderator: Tim Harvey, NTree International
Prior to joining this webinar, discover FTSE Russell’s infographic “China A Shares implementation plan”: ftserussell.com/ftse-china-shares-geis-infographic
*** Please note that this webinar is addressed exclusively to professional investors in EMEA and/or jurisdictions where CSOP funds or products are approved for distribution. ***