The past couple of years witnessed intense hype and speculation over the role of Generative AI in every aspect of business and life, in general. However, the true potential and concerns about AI might get lost amid the din of the hype noise, especially when it concerns IT.
To help IT teams better measure up their AI footprint and plan their future AI roadmaps, ManageEngine partnered with the Service Desk Institute, UK (SDI), to survey 150+ IT managers, technicians, and CIOs on the adoption of AI in general and GenAI in particular across their ITSM practices.
We have distilled the insights gained through this survey into a report that Kumaravel Ramakrishnan, the Director of marketing for ITSM at ManageEngine and David Wright, Chief Value & Innovation Officer, SDI would unwrap in this webinar.
Tune in for the live webinar if you are keen on getting answers to:
What are your peers doing to adopt AI at their organizations?
The ITSM practices that would be most impacted by genAI
Are the perceived benefits meeting the initial expectations about AI?
How do you evaluate ITSM platforms in the genAI world
How do you handle concerns over governance, ethics, job security, and ROI?
Join Kumar and David live on July 2, 2024 at 11am BST to get these answered and more.