Let's Talk Content Ops: Why Product Managers Need Content Operations

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Guest: Greg Prickril > Host: Rahel Anne Bailie

About this talk

Content producers feel the pain of having to use a poor operating model. In a different context, product managers also feel the effects; not knowing how to handle content causes a lot of product development pain for product owners. Operationalizing content can help with product development, once content strategists and product managers figure out how to collaborate. What is the potential that can be unlocked when product managers work collaboratively with content developers? Why should product managers get involved? There are a lot of benefits that can be gained by product managers taking ContentOps seriously. From this interview with Greg Prickril, the audience will learn: 1) The pain points of both content producers and product managers 2) How to determine the pain points that can be solved to the benefit of both sides 3) Productive ways for product managers and content strategists to work together. "Let's Talk Content Operations" is brought to you by Content, Seriously and The Content Wrangler.
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