Operationalizing Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) helps mitigate risk by focusing people, processes, and technology on the threat activity matters. Above all, it allows organizations to take a more proactive, structured, and holistic approach to security that reduces dwell time and shortens the time frame from identification to fix. In today's dynamic threat environment, it is critical to boosting your overall cyber security return on investment.
Join us as we look specifically at how cyber threat intelligence can help improve computer network defense (CND) operations. Our experts will share:
• A case study, that will examine the intelligence tied to recent Iranian geopolitical events and demonstrate how operators can pivot from intelligence reporting to high confidence alerting and targeted threat hunting
• FireEye’s Iranian relevant threat intelligence along with the MITRE ATT&CK framework to help decision makers improve their overall network security posture by prioritizing security investments based on adversary capabilities
• How intelligence enhances your overall cyber security investment and places your operations ahead of the threat
• Methods for automating vulnerability management and patch prioritization by correlating intelligence to vulnerability scan data