Improving data quality for community and mental health services

Presented by

Elizabeth Hale, CLCH NHS Trust, Howard Davis, Grant Thornton, and Tracy White, CNWN FT

About this talk

With the move to a more integrated approach to delivering healthcare, robust data for community and mental health services is vital for planning and delivering services across local health systems. Traditionally there has been less scrutiny of this data than the data for acute services. As a result, it can be challenging to produce consistently accurate and complete data. The joint HFMA and Grant Thornton briefing focuses on improving the quality of data for mental health and community services for the purpose of costing. However, the key messages are relevant to the wider group of stakeholders who use the data for multiple other purposes, for example improving patient pathways, delivering better value and tackling health inequalities. Join us for this webinar, supported by Grant Thornton, to listen to NHS colleagues discuss the importance of data in their services, and how they are working to improve it.
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The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) is the professional body for finance staff in healthcare. For more than 70 years, it has provided independent and objective advice to its members and the wider healthcare community. It is a charitable organisation that promotes best practice and innovation in financial management and governance across the UK health economy through its local and national networks. The association also analyses and responds to national policy and aims to exert influence in shaping the wider healthcare agenda. The HFMA has achieved accredited continuing professional development (CPD) status with the CPD Standards Office for our national and networks webinars. Delegates that watch one of these webinars will be issued with an accredited CPD Certificate of Attendance for inclusion in their CPD records. Our sponsored webinars will still count towards unaccredited CPD hours. For further information please see our privacy policy