Moving towards a value-based healthcare approach to contracts with industry

Presented by

Na'el Clarke, Commercial Director, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust

About this talk

While value-based healthcare and outcomes-based contracts are much talked about, it can be challenging to understand how this can be translated into results. In this webinar University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust will describe how they improved outcomes and reduced costs, through a risk-sharing agreement with Medtronic. Infection is a serious complication of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIED) and is associated with significant morbidity, mortality and costs to the health service. Medtronic’s TYRXTM is a bioabsorbable envelope designed to stabilise a CIED implanted in patients and prevent an infection through sustained release of antibiotics. Use of TYRX™ has been shown to reduce CIED infections by 40% and pocket infections by 61% within 12 months. A TYRX value-based healthcare risk share programme is currently operational across NHS England, whereby if a patient who has a CIED implanted using TYRX presents with a CIED infection within 12 months of the procedure, Medtronic will provide a full replacement CIED system and TYRX envelope free of charge. This partnership supports a shift towards payment for patient outcomes. By signing up to this webinar you agree to share your email address with Medtronic. If you do not want your email address shared please contact
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