TIA TR-60. How Mythology, Snakes and Whisky Impact IT System Naming

Presented by

Jerry Bowman, David Cuthbertson

About this talk

Why do we see personal interests impacting the naming of ICT systems? Is it really a good idea to have a themed name based on Pikachu, gods, drinks and Disney characters. If we have 12 servers then using the 7 dwarves isn't going to work... May we should have chosen battleships or klingon names. Unfortunately there is an impact on ICT management as miscommunication will inevitably result in inconsistencies, disruption and delay. As the TR-60 ICT Life Cycle Management develops we find that the basics have to be addressed for efficient management and control. Communicating best practice and common sense for ICT system naming also raises another issue - labelling. If we could resolve these two issues, then maybe spaghetti cabling would be less of a problem as we would know where the ends of the cables without pulling and tugging our mission critical cables. Take a first step towards stress-free infrastructure!
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