Pillar Two – Assessing the implications and planning your next steps

Presented by

ITR and insightsoftware

About this talk

Join ITR and insightsoftware at 3pm BST on September 28 as they discuss the OECD BEPS 2.0 Pillar Two legislation, the implications for multinational tax teams, and how to minimise risk and prepare for compliance. Register here for ITR and insightsoftware’s webinar on assessing the implications of Pillar Two and planning your next steps. Join Kathryn Abate, Senior Product Manager, to hear about the practical consequences of Pillar Two, and to have your most pressing questions answered. Constantly changing tax reporting requirements have been the norm for tax teams for quite some time. However, Pillar Two, when it comes, will introduce substantial new complexities into the tax compliance, reporting and forecasting processes. The implications for forecasting, corporate structuring, transfer pricing decisions, reporting processes, and the use of tax technology will be significant. Tax teams that have previously relied on spreadsheets or a disjointed set of software tools to support their tax reporting and forecasting will soon find it difficult to manage these complex models. The companies that are learning how to incorporate Pillar Two into their existing tax reporting and forecasting processes, making adjustments as needed, are ahead of the curve. Join us on this webinar to hear insightsoftware’s Kathryn Abate, Senior Product Manager, address your questions around how to modernise and streamline your tax reporting and forecasting, while creating capacity for the introduction of Pillar Two. Questions covered will include: • How to achieve a single source of truth and quickly compare actual figures against forecast data; • Why increased collaboration and planning will be critical for future success; • How Pillar Two impacts strategic tax reporting and forecasting; and • The role of technology in preparing for and complying with Pillar Two requirements. Register here for the webinar on September 28.
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