Redefining Network Infrastructure Strategies: What is the Key?

Presented by

Steve Yates FBCI, CBCP, FICPEM, MEPS, Director | Acertia Limited

About this talk

Network infrastructure outages occur due to various factors like natural disasters, intentional attacks, and network failures. These outages are likely to result in the unavailability of critical network elements, impacts on services, and disruption of traffic flows. In order to protect themselves, companies should aim to implement strategies that both enable them to resist and tolerate failure and to recover mission critical communication elements within a business acceptable timescale. However, achieving this whole commitment can become a huge feat, dependent on the scope and age of the infrastructure, engagement with network providers, local distribution across multiple types of connectivity and services as well as the resources and network capacity necessary to manage the organizations “technology estate”. Companies should ask themselves (as a starter) what strategy they are planning for and how they can best achieve this strategy within their technology structure. Tune into this session presented by our business continuity, disaster recovery, cyber resilience and major incident expert Steve Yates as he brings to light tips to redefine network infrastructure strategies in the “new world” as well as areas that companies must consider when considering resources and timescales for restoration of critical network services. Viewers are encouraged to privately share their major concerns in advance if they wish to gain the most from this session. Viewers will come away from this session with the following takeaways: - Become aware of common challenges they may encounter. - Form an understanding of redefining strategic direction. - Ensure your organization embraces a joined-up thinking approach when delivering infrastructure resilience.
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