Defeating Ransomware: Exploring a Collaborative Network-to-Storage Architecture

Presented by

Kevin Tolly, Founder | The Tolly Group

About this talk

Ransomware attacks continue to escalate in the enterprise. Analyst groups report that such attacks were occurring every 11 seconds in 2021 with the frequency increasing all the time. Analysts further note mean recovery costs of US$1.82M, median payments of US$400K, and total 2023 ransom payments in excess of US$1 billion. It is a serious threat to the enterprise, and one that is growing every day. Traditional, single-layer protection mechanisms (i.e., firewall) can be easy to circumvent by clever ransomware tactics (e.g., breaking up the ransomware into pieces and reassembling it once it passes through the firewall). This vendor-agnostic presentation will review the architecture and benefits of a multilayer, collaborate network-to-storage protection architecture that is starting to be implemented by some vendors and will likely become more commonplace going forward.
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