In this session we will discuss today’s challenges that continue to be under satisfied when it comes to compute and storage at the edge. While there are many ways to increase and grow footprint at any ‘edge’ that work is needed to be done it has traditionally always been at some significant cost. That cost could be in Power, Performance, Footprint, Offload capability and Connectivity. When look at the Edge platform needs of the future, and taking a new paradigm shift view at ways to solve this equation with u-substitution like methods instead of brute forces, the elegance and ease of solving many existing solutions without increases from complicated models that exist today.
Computational Storage Drives from NGD Systems are the first in a line of solutions that are being standardized by the SNIA and other industry organizations to solve many issues at the edge and even core datacenters in ways never before realizable. This unique, made in the USA, hardware and software solution are married through a seamless programming model that makes deployment easy, simple and available anywhere. Including Outer Space – yes, literally space!! Want to know more tune in and see real-world, customer driven solutions and the value they bring to customers, users, as well as power grids, fabrics and all aspects of managing data at the edge.