Cyberstorage and XDR: Threat Detection through a Storage Lens

Presented by

Erin Farr, IBM; Michael Hoard, Intel

About this talk

Cybercriminals have always been about data – stealing data, compromising data, holding data hostage. Businesses continue to respond with malware detection on laptops and networks to protect data and prevent breaches, so why should storage be left out? Storage houses what the bad actors are targeting - your data. Is there anything we can do from within the storage layer to further enhance defense in depth? Enter "Cyberstorage", a term coined by Gartner, which is defined as doing threat detection and response in storage software or hardware. A parallel, related trend in the security industry is eXtended Detection and Response (XDR) which shifts some of the threat detection from centralized security monitoring tools (SIEMs) down into each domain (e.g., endpoint, network) for faster detection and automated response. Factor in the growing impact of ransomware and all these forces are driving the need to find creative, new ways to detect malware, including from inside the storage domain. In this session we'll discuss: • Cyberstorage and XDR – what are these emerging trends? • Threat detection and response methods through a storage lens • Possible approaches for detection when used in conjunction with security tooling • Why silos between security and storage need to be addressed for successful threat detection
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