Using Data to Improve & Prepare for Big Room Planning

Presented by

Heather Kanser, Data Visualization and Modeling Expert and Todd Galloway, Rally Release Train Engineer

About this talk

Big Room Planning (BRP), sometimes referred to as PI Planning, is a two-day release train planning event. The purpose of the event is a collaborative planning process resulting in a committed roadmap for the Planning Increment (PI). At Rally, our PIs are fiscal quarters, organized into six or seven two-week sprints, with all teams on the same sprint cadence. The final sprint of the quarter is really two, one-week sprints; one for Hackathon, and one for the Big Room Planning event. This webinar will walk you through answering these release planning preparation questions: 1. Will our team structure change? 2. Are there any known upcoming disruptions? 3. How much capacity do we have for the upcoming release? 4. During the past release, were we able to make changes to the plan when new, important information emerged? Did we allow for change? Were we consumed with change? 5. How much time have we historically spent on defects? During this time, has our defect debt improved or declined? 6. What is our investment strategy for the upcoming release? 3 Reasons To Attend: 1. Improve planning, tracking and forecasting by leveraging analytics metrics 2. Gain best practices from how Rally manages software releases 3. Become empowered to identify actions for continuous improvement Broadcom is collecting your personal data when you submit such information as part of the BrightTALK registration process. Your personal data is processed according to Broadcom's Privacy Policy: When you interact with Broadcom, this serves as your authorization to BrightTALK to provide your contact information to Broadcom in order for Broadcom to follow up on your interaction.
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