Leveraging Queries and Filters in Rally

Presented by

Sagi Gabay, Solution Engineer, Rally and Aaron Rusty Lloyd, Global Capability Specialist, ESD BizOps

About this talk

Rally users have a universal need to get information from the platform and customize the data to provide the information to make informed decision. Join Sagi Gabay and Aaron Rusty Lloyd for an informative session on how you can leverage queries and filters to customize Rally to get the data you need, when you need it. This session will cover Rally filters and queries as they pertain to Rally apps deployed on your dashboard and custom pages. Many of these apps leverage Rally queries and filters to help you fine tune the information as it applies to your needs. We will also introduce Rally’s Object Model and equip you with the vocabulary and the know-how to develop your own Rally queries and deploy them into your apps. Broadcom is collecting your personal data when you submit such information as part of the BrightTALK registration process. Your personal data is processed according to Broadcom's Privacy Policy: https://www.broadcom.com/company/legal/privacy/policy When you interact with Broadcom, this serves as your authorization to BrightTALK to provide your contact information to Broadcom in order for Broadcom to follow up on your interaction.
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