Energy Revolution 2022: Net Zero Energy Transition and Growth Opportunities

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エミリー・ジョーンズ, エネルギー&環境コンサルタント

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The New Normal is Green: Energy and Environmental Trends for 2022: As we go into year 3 of the Covid pandemic, many have come to understand there is no “going back” to normal. The unprecedented societal, technological, and economic changes instigated by the pandemic cannot be undone. Instead, we shall establish for ourselves a “New Normal”. What is the “New Normal”? It’s Green. Consumer and regulatory pressures to decarbonize will continue, adding to existing fossil fuel industry challenges, to precipitate a transition away from existing fuel sources and toward increased renewable dominance, the hydrogen economy, and redesign of critical energy systems. The chaos that the pandemic created in the world has led to an opportunity to rethink and redesign some of our most fundamental systems – our New Normal will be circular, offering new opportunities in areas from packaging to utility provision. We are in the midst of the fourth industrial revolution, and the color on the flag is green.
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