Drones and Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Setting New Paradigm in Air Transportation

Presented by

アマルティア・デ, アソシエイトディレクター - 航空宇宙&防衛

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While Urban Aero Mobility is becoming a reality , it is pertinent assess the market potential for UAM over the next 20 years. There are number of locations that are likely to host commercially viable UAM operations in next 5-7 years. Is the market feasible from an operational and commercial perspective? What is the UAM value chain? What is the state of regulations, and likely roadmap to allow UAM operations? Technology space in UAM is becoming increasingly complex as more and more platforms are moving away from conventional fuels and adopting electric. Key aerospace players such as Rolls Royce and Honeywell are bringing their propulsion products to the UAM market coupled with battery solutions coming from Danecca, EPS, Hypoint, BAE Systems etc. Frost & Sullivan is witnessing significant impetus in various sub-segments of the UAM value chain especially in advanced composites, artificial intelligence, collision avoidance systems, hydrogen fuel cells, autonomous navigation, propulsion systems and battery technology to name a few. The Top 10 UAM OEMs coming to the forefront are Ehang, Volocopter, Lilium Aviation, Joby Aviation, Airbus, Hyundai, Bell Aviation, Wisk, Beta Technologies and EmbraerX as observed by Frost & Sullivan.
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