Today there is a large gap in quality and access to pediatric healthcare between major cities in rich countries and rural areas in those same countries as well as the entire developing world. We have the power to help repair those gaps and raise the standards of children’s healthcare across the globe, through the development and deployment of pediatric cardiology, orthopedic, neurology, oncology and radiology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications.
Born out of his early commercial work in cloud computing and inspired by a student in his Stanford cloud computing class, Timothy Chou formed BevelCloud to transform children’s healthcare globally by creating privacy-preserving real-time pediatric applications based on access to 1,000,000 healthcare machines in all 500 children’s hospitals in the world.
In this talk, Timothy Chou describes how his team have constructed a widely distributed, privacy-preserving edge cloud service that optimizes communication and collaboration in pediatric healthcare to drive better outcomes for patients across the globe. He’ll discuss the benefits and challenges of using central architectures for AI in medicine and highlight real-time collaboration and privacy-preserving federated learning applications.
Join the session to discover:
- How software can do good in the world and transform children’s healthcare globally.
- The challenges central architectures have to advance AI in pediatric medicine.
- An introduction to a new edge cloud service.