Demand gen is broken: Fixing the funnel

Presented by

Claire Davidson, Strategy and Planning Director at Twogether and Jon Busby, Chief Technology Officer at Twogether

About this talk

With only 5% of your customers ready to buy at any moment, it’s critical that marketing supports them throughout the funnel, and converts them before the opportunity is lost. But how? The buyer journey has grown more complex than ever. And with so much noise in the purchasing process – multiple decision makers, an excess of choice, and not enough differentiation – prospects are frequently becoming stuck mid-funnel. So where should we begin fixing it? Join tech marketing experts as they bust some myths, discuss common challenges, and ignite the ideas that are fundamental to supporting a more effective demand generation strategy in 2022. This webinar answers: • How to dispel the myths that are misguiding your campaigns to IT decision makers? • Which ideas and innovative technologies turn your demand gen activity into award- winning results? • What’s the secret to making marketing’s contribution more visible to the board?
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