Determining the Impact of Cyberattacks

Presented by

Steven Ross, Executive Principal | Risk Masters International

About this talk

Senior management often has a fundamental question regarding cyberattacks: How would cyberattacks affect our organization? Business impact analyses (BIA), as they have been performed for decades, are inadequate. The determination of desired recovery times and recovery points may be meaningless in the face of stolen information and ransomware attacks that reflect what business leaders would like to be done rather than what IT can do. Moreover, new government rules require analysis and disclosure that necessitate an understanding by executive management of what the impact of a cyberattack would be if an attack were to occur. This session provides an approach to determining what the impact of a cyberattack would be. Tune in to this webinar to learn: - How cyberattacks change the context of BIA. - What are the potential financial, operational, reputational, regulatory and societal impacts of cyberattacks. - How to conduct a cyber impact analysis. - How a cyber impact analysis can drive cyber resilience strategy.
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